In the past, I have been a regular Goan visitor, and next month, for the first time in a decade, I will be returning and cant wait to see the changes, if any. In the 90's the internet was in its relative infancy and boards such as this and others like it were only just getting off the ground. I have been devouring them for the last few weeks to try and build an uptodate feel for the place. Amongst all the advice, jokes, bonhomie and love of the place though was some really dangerous advice.
Here are 3 comments in a thread about malaria.(I paraphrase)
1. My doctor says I dont need anti malarial treatment for Goa.
2. We usually buy tablets locally as soon as we arrive and start treatment on our first morning.
and my favourite, not only for intense stupidity but also its hippy dippy sub message:-
3. I swear by a homeopathic treatment that ever so easy to take. We've never had any trouble with malaria.
Well 1. is plain wrong, 2. forgets that the drug must be in your system already to work, and 3. reminds me of the old joke ( two people walking in London. 'what is that pendant you are wearing', 'its a lucky charm designed to protect me against tigers', Does it work?...brilliantly, I've been here 10 years and not seen one)
Now to be fair, all of these were rapidly shot down in flames by eagle eyed readers who took the trouble to reply. This is what discussion boards do; toss ideas and statements out and see what happens.
So please read and accept comments left with a pinch of salt (non homeopathically, of course) and realise that all threads might contain advice or suggestions that are just plain wrong.
On a lighter note, what do readers think I will notice first as the biggest change since the 90's. I will be in Calangute.
The potholes will be twice as deep and wide than the last time you where there
10 times as many beggars, and where there used to be shacks on the side of the road selling tourist trinkets, they are now air conditioned shopping malls.
1. The petrol station in Calangute has been closed down.
the Goan houses all have a couple more storeys on top !! and most of thr pigs in the gardens have disappeared!
Goa now has "coffee shops."
So many new buildings adding to the concrete jungle.....
Its fantastic still - that why we all still go - enjoy!
New roads, new potholes, new street lights, new branded food outlets (Subway, Coffee Day) and new big venue bars (Lounge Fly).
Old buses, old lorries, old dogs and old gits like me!!

As well as all the above mentioned,dont forget about those lovely Timeshare people..
There's loads of changes, but the weather's still hot and the sun shines!
The rats are bigger

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