It appears that they've realised that they've got to look after the Tourist.Checkout diarioinformacion website to see the comments from them in Spain.
I'm sorry, but it's not saying that at all, not in the context that your post implies or could be interpreted.
Hoteliers, leisure and business agree on the need to fight the booze parties on the beach (botellón) which I have already explained creates broken glass and safety issues, they also agree that they need to protect the coast and that the other bad habits need "rules".
They all agree that the beach cannot be messed around at night and having people going on there to get barbiturates.
But they are
also saying that we must "take care of the tourists."....meaning
the other tourists who like to sit or take a stroll on the beach at night and who never get pithed up or cause any problems, they must also take care of these tourists and be flexible.
Flexible because there are many Spanish families who have commented saying that they take their kiddies to play on the equipment and under the promenade lights very late at night, some of their parents don't finish work until gone 10 pm and if the kiddies are not in school, then why shouldn't they.? for the families who live in Benidorm, it's their beach too.
Many Spaniards like to walk on the beach very late at night and they are not happy bunnies, but what is the answer.?
Have the police patrolling the Kilometers of beach between midnight and 7 am and leave the streets to the undesirables.?
I don't know the answer, but it isn't so simple as some people think it is. (comments read in papers)
Benidorm's beaches are one of the resorts main attractions, if not THE attraction and if they are getting fouled up with dog poo and broken glass, then I personally would want them to do something about it, but the problem with enforcing a blanket ban and making the beach "out of bounds" for everyone, is that majority of "ordinary" folks suffer too because of the minority
You have to look at the other side of the coin....Benidorm Ayuntamiento employ a driver/tractor with the machine in tow to sift/clean the sand and the mess left by those who use the beach during the day, 364 days a year"¦come sunshine, rain, snow or hail.
When the tractor has finished (I've seen the tractor out at way gone midnight ) and the beach is all clean for the next day, you then have groups of people holding booze/drugs gatherings and they leave their mess behind.
Come the next morning, the tourists see a load of beer bottles, broken glass and maybe syringes on the beach, plus irresponsible dog owners who let their dogs defecate on the beach...
Now, dog poo is something that really makes me angry, I've seen the length of Levante promenade cleaned very late at night/early hours and I've walked on the same promenade at 6am and there's several dollops of dog mess on there....I personally would hit them with the heftiest fine possible.

people like that don't deserve a beautiful beach.
Who is going to get it in the neck when the tourist moan about the dirty beaches.?
Word gets around and it gets exaggerated out of all proportions that "Benidorm beaches are full of dog poo, druggies and broken glass"
I can just see the headlines now, the rival resorts and the tabloids would have field day, not forgetting the people who get satisfaction from saying " I told you so".

Like I say, I don't know the answer, but it's clearly a problem that needs addressing before it gets out of control, they have to preserve the state of the beaches, they are their biggest asset and unless you've got a few billion euros spare to employ extra police personnel to patrol the length of the beaches all night long and maintain the same level of police presence in the streets, what do you do.? How can they enforce this .?
PS: I'm not posting the translated version because there is some undesirable language used in some of the comments.