If the balance was paid by cheque, the first thing to find out is if its been cashed. If he paid in cash or card there must be some kind of receipt, I'd take that to the shop and ask them where the money went.
They paid on his debit card and they took the reciept to the shop but, thomascook.com still have not been forwarded the money. It is a nightmare as you can imagine and being elderly and in poor health my aunt said she is so fed up with she may just give up but, I am not prepared to let her do this. The girl in the shop really should not have taken his payment but, as he is mentally ill he would not have understood why she wouldnt take it. They do have travel insurance with primary.
As Silverpixie asked did your Uncle and Aunt take out travel insurance, if so providing that Thomas Cook do find record of the payment they may be able to claim on the insurance, though if your uncle had previously been diagnosed as being Bi-polar the insurance company may refuse to pay.
on his behalf given the circumstances and give them the details they need to enable them to trace the payment.
I assume it has come out of his account and shows on a statement.
Have you contacted the shop in person? We again run into the Data protection Act when trying to do something over the telephone where a face to face contact can sometimes produce results.
I would contact his bank without delay and explain the situation. They would not normally deal with you due to customer privacy but they may be able to contact Thos Cook I assume it has come out of his account and shows on a statement.
Have you contacted the shop in person? We again run into the Data protection Act when trying to do something over the telephone where a face to face contact can sometimes produce results.
I have not as yet managed to find any bank statements amongst his things to check them. I really dont think the insurance company would help either as he gave the money to the wrong people himself.
Very strange indeed! Could you not accompany your aunt to the shop and demand to speak to the girl who issued the receipt. What does she say happened to the payment once she accepted it? I think what you first need to establish is that the money has definitely come out of the bank account, by means of a statement. If it's come out of the bank and TC are denying having it, then it's a case of fraud and should be reported to the bank, as basically, you don't know where the money's gone.
I am going to go to the shop with her and see if we acn get anywhere. I always thought when paying with debit card the money comes out of the account straightaway but, it would seem that is not always the case.
You haven't said when they were due to travel. If it is within the cancellation period then they would need to claim on their insurance. It may be prudent to cancel it officially with thomascookl.com
However, I hope that your uncle declared his bi-polar when he took out his insurance and had it covered. If not then they will not pay out for cancellation.

As has been said previously if any pre existing conditions weren't declared when the insurance was taken out, or the insurance company kept informed of any changes they may not cover if there is cause to claim.
They are not due to travel until 12th May so plenty of time. The last time he had a bad episode was 7yrs ago and this one is worse so we have been told he could be in hospital up to a year. I am going to go to the shop with her and see if we can get anywhere. It is just one big headache. I know it is not the fault of thomascook but, I wish the girl had not accepted his card.
I'm so sorry about your Uncle's condition. Having first hand experience of someone diagnosed as Bi-polar I know how this illness can affect both the patient and relatives. Hopefully with the correct medication his recovery won't take as long as a year.
Let us know how you get on.
I have found it always helps to send to a named person- Google, Thomas Cook and send it to the most senior person you can find, but make sure it goes on a postal service where you can track it and make sure it has arrived.
In the meantime try and find the bank statement to check that the payment has come out, although if there's a receipt it would seem odd if it hasn't. Also as others have said, start making enquiries with the insurance to establish what the position is there.
At least you have time on your side, just make sure you keep a record as to what has been done and when.
Good luck- they shouldn't be allowed to get away with taking the money and 'losing it' Let us know how you get on.
Thankyou all for taking the time to reply to me. Judith thanks for the kind words regarding is condition. It is a case of slowly does it I think as it was last time. I will let you all know the outcome of this situation
You may also get the deposit back if he has declared his illness to the travel insurance.
I wish him a speedy recovery.

I think that the travel agencies hang onto the money until it needs to be paid. More interest accruing for them !! I seem to remember being told this when enquiring why my T.O invoice didn't show that I had paid monies into the T.A. Do you think Ros could help at all in this situation ?
I would just like to update you all on this and let you know that after visiting the shop with my aunt we eventually came away with a cheque for the full £927. Thankyou all for trying to help us. We are going to try to get the deposits back now off the insurance. Jacqui
Good news Jacqui,
That's great news
I'm glad you got that sorted

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