Hope someone can help- Booked to fly from Stansted and booked car parking at the same time through a high street travel agent. Holiday company have changed departure airport to Heathrow , which is acceptable , but we don't need parking there. Travel agent state cannot recoup our car parking so are offering £20 gesture. This still leaves shortfall of £25. Travel insurance will not cover as excess £50.
Any advice would be appreciated. thanks
I do appreciate the value of money, but surely £25 isn't the end of the world. Bite the bullet and look forward to a good time ........................
Hi,we've had a similar tale but in reverse,don't need parking to fly from Norwich cos hubby works for KLM,we've had our flight changed to Stansted incurring parking fees of £105 plus having to drive for about 1.5 hrs each way,apparently one of the drawbacks of booking early.
i booked birmingham airport parking with aph and the flight was changed to gatwick and with different dates and they aph offered me a full refund, no problems
and explained why they offered to refund the money
problem is some parking companies offer special rates now that are non refundable to entice you to book early, which may be what the op has booked.
Not a very good advert for the travel agent. If you booked the holiday with them as well then I suggest you don't again.
Not a very good advert for the travel agent. If you booked the holiday with them as well then I suggest you don't again
I would suggest that the travel agent is being quite fair offering to give £20 quid back. The booking conditions of the car park are not the fault of the travel agent. If anything its the car park thats being unfair, lay off the agent.
If it had been booked direct there would probably not be any refund at all!
I know it's very annoying, and it's the principle not the actual amount you've lost, but I expect the various terms and conditions aren't in your favour. Good of the travel agent to offer you £20. It's not their fault.Have a nice holiday.
Selling two services with T&Cs that conflict with each other is wrong, and at the very least questions the competence of the agent. This is on a par with the older problem of selling insurance that doesn't cover the holiday activities. The problem is that the outstanding amount is quite small and any legal attempt to recover it would be a lot of effort and need documented proof that you weren't warned. I'd go along with FWHs view that the best course of action is simply not to do business with the agent again.
But thanks for raising an interesting point which others can now consider before allowing themselves to be caught out in a similar way.
I know it's annoying but I don't really think the agent is at fault here. I know they sell the holidays and the extras, but at the end of the day it's up to us, the customer, if we choose to buy! Not saying this is your fault, but so many people blame the agents for selling them something but to sell there has to be somebody to buy. Just a thought.
The £20 the Travel Agent has offered will probably be given by the branch not the supplier the Car Park was booked through,therefore the branch will make a £20 loss.
People would do well to remember it was not the agents fault the flights were changed but they are the ones offering the £20 goodwill gesture, leaving them out of pocket!
It is not good business practice when the agent penalises the customer. They sell a product the customer buys in good faith. The agent is aware that such changes may take place and should not contract the car park without having a policy in place in case this happens.
I stand by my previous comment. When an agent sells more than one thing to be used together they should check that the conditions are compatible, including when things get altered since that happens so often in the holiday business.
Hi Why can't the TO pay us the same penalty charge that they expect us to pay them if we want to change any aspect of our holiday,we are expected to pay at least £30 per person,it would then help to pay any extra costs incurred.
Basically because they write the conditions! Also the British public let them get away with it or, to be more accurate, never bother to check when they sign up. I keep meaning to check whether multinationals like TC and TUI have the same conditions in their German broschures.

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