Point taken however different airlines have different rules and guidelines Qatars third party ground staff have guidelines given by the airline,thats why I asked if someone spoke to the Duty Manager who is directly employed by Qatar Airlines and he would have the authority to approve/disapprove the transfering to a hotel.
Cheapo ticket? Your arrogance is dumbfounding. Do you live in my head? You seem to know exactly what I do, where I click when I go on the Internet, what choices I make when I buy tickets, what is on my computer screen but that I don't see.
I believe this topic has run it's course. OP's last post was unpleasant, I don't think he realises this is a discussion forum, not a place for rants.
I wonder why people post lies, don't you? Especially when everything they state has already been addressed by me (what ticket I bought and how, the fact that I seem to be the only one in the world complaining about QA's ground staff, that I should have gone to see the manager in charge when I clearly state that I did, etc, etc, etc, ...)
I wonder why people post lies,
Here on HT members try to assist. They are not in the habit of lying and it is, to say the least, unfair to suggest they do.
Any topic does tend to develop a life of its own as members read and post of their own experiences - strange as it may seem to some that can help in resolving a problem.
It is also a fact that we always tend to view things from our own point of view. Any request for advice/assistance can only give one side of the story, no matter how eloquent it may be.
The advice or comments posted on HT are those of the members. There is no guarantee that the reply you receive will be the one you would like to hear.
You started out having a rant about Qatar - that is not what HT and this section is about. Some very sensible advice/suggestions have been made. Make a formal complaint about the manner in which you were treated and give them a chance to respond. There are always two sides to any complaint.
I said I would make a formal complaint and I will, next weekend when I have some time.
The premise made though is that everyone should get the same standard of care irrespective of what ticket they are on (exceptions being F/J/Y etc).
However, the following comment to me is revealing:
I said I would make a formal complaint and I will, next weekend when I have some time.
Well, holiday companies have a set time limit in place, and the main reason being is so they can fairly investigate the issue. The longer you leave it, the less chance Qatar have to investigate, and the less chance you have to get a response you would be happy with.
To be honest, having seen your initial post on another forum, and your responses here, I can only draw the conclusion that your bitterness with your unfortunate experience means you are only interested in slating the airline, and your revenge is the hope you put off other potential customers. Because if you had spent a fraction of the time writing your complaint to the airline that you have on this thread, you might have had things already resolved, and it doesn't look like you are serious about actually wanting to get the problem resolved.
I bought the ticket at the time on their website fro the dates I needed at the advertised price for an economy ticket. This whole episode happened last Thursday so I think sending a letter a little over a week later is fine in my book. I am self-employed and can spend a few minutes a day writing on a forum but writing an official letter of complaint takes a tad more time.
The 'few minutes' its taken you to rant away on this forum would have been better spent writing an official letter of complaint to the relevant people. Like most of the people who regularly post on this website I have had one or two problems, queries and questions and unfailingly people have been only to happy to help when they can or make suggestions what to do if they couldn't advise me. This website is brilliant if you use it properly and not abuse it as you appear to be doing so!
you should be treated as a customer no matter how much you pay
May I just remind everyone that we don't allow personal attacks.
I would like to post my last reply.As ALL hotels are outside the Airport the pax would need to pass immigration and as the pax was Transiting through Doha it is most likely immigration would not allow this as everyone entering Qatar MUST have a visa.I do know that Transiting 1st and Business class passengers have a rest room in the lounges.
Good point Qatarman. Perhaps you have solved the mystery.
The 1st time I took QA I was given a hotel room and did have to buy a visa.
As someone has already said the number of posts made by the OP and the time taken could well have been enough to make his complaint to the Airline.
An example of how much I appreciate the views of HT members is that at the moment I am in the process of booking a cruise. My dilemma is that I can book this cruise with Smart Cruises which is an Internet Booking Agency who are US based. They have a head office in the UK. Their price is lower that the usual trusted Agency I book with.
I have done some homework on SM emailing them in the UK to ask about their Bonding etc. I also emailed them to ask about whether they would honour any price drops should they happen. Got written confirmation of both.
I then PM a valued member on the Cruise forum for his opinion about whether it was worth going for the lower price. Also posted it on the board. Both said that in their opinion I would be better to stay with my trusted TA Scotland's Cruise Center.
They affirmed what I thought myself but wanted to bounce it off someone as I live alone. I know this is completely off topic but I hope that the OP may see how valuable the members on Holiday Truth are and what good advice they give.
I will have nothing more to say on the subject. Whilst I have been reading this topic it is the offensive remark made by the OP which prompted me to write.
Regards to all of you out there and especially Judith who gave me some very good advice when I was preparing for my NZ/OZ trip.
Have a good weekend everyone.
I am offended by the arrogance of the some the posters and the refusal of some others to read the complete thread and instead make wild assumptions about what goes through my mind, about what I did or did not do.
Members of HT do try to assist, they are not arrogant and do read what has been posted.
I have said before the answer people get is not always the one they wish to hear. Common courtesy says that you should give the airline the opportunity of putting their side and apologising - if they have are in the wrong. Unfortunately the OP has not done this choosing instead to rant.
HT is not a platform for someone to take out their grievances and will not elicit any sympathy for those who try to do so. We will give advice and assist where we can. It is your prerogative to take note of that or ignore it.
I have to agree I think this topic should now be locked. MGACOURT please feel free to contact me when you have any update on your complaint.

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