I would like to advise users of this website never to fly on Qatar Airways.
I originally booked a flight to Delhi and back, one part of which Qatar simply dropped a few days before I was due to fly out. They never contacted me about this as I only learned about it when I phoned their Gatwick number to enquire about an unrelated issue about the flights.
As a replacement flight to the one they dropped (Doha to Gatwick), they put in place a flight that was supposed to fly out 11 hours later than the one originally scheduled. The result being that when I landed in Doha, I was denied a hotel room and had to contend with the dreadful food they give to passengers awaiting transfer in the Doha airport. The reason they gave for this is that the original booking I made never included a hotel room as the original transfer time in Doha was less that 8 hours. However, they, out-of-the-blue, canceled this flight and scheduled another one that was 19 hours after I landed in Doha, way over the 8 hours cut-off-point for a hotel!! I tried enquiring about paying for a hotel out of my own pocket, but I was again even denied this information !!
The upshot of all this is that I was forced to spend 19 hours staring like a mad thing at the floor of an airport terminal!!
I had flown Qatar before this and thought their service was good. However, I, along with numerous friends, work colleagues and relatives to whom I have explained what happened to me, will not use this company ever again after the kind of appalling service I was subjected to. I hope you will agree and can review any flight arrangements you have made now and in the future with this company.
Kind regards,
Mike Garvin.
Hi sorry to read about the service provided by Qatar Airways,one question, did you ask to speak to the Duty Manager??Also you can email the CEO Mr Ali Baker on Qatar Airways complaints site.
I did speak to some manager who dismissed me by trying to play it buddy-to-buddy. I did not like his attitude one bit. I don't have to complain to Qatar: I spent 19 hours with these inept people. All I am doing now is to warn internet users on as many sites as I can about this company.
All I am doing now is to warn internet users on as many sites as I can about this company.
I would suggest that you reconsider this strategy. You personally have had a bad experience - you are quite at liberty to say so. This does not give you any legal right to launch a campaign besmirching them - trawling internet sites and posting adverse comments could be considered libellous. The airline on the other hand would be within their rights to take action against you for doing so.
Flights change and delays do happen. Often outside the control of the airline. Their customer service may on this occasion have been poor. By your own admission you have always had good service in the past. The correct procedure would be to write to them with your complaint. Give them a chance to apologise and recompense you.
HT and this section is not a platform to rant about any TO/Airline. It is here to assist anyone who has had a bad experience.
There is nothing libelous about what I write. What I state are just facts. I use the sites provided on the Internet to let people know about my experience. Nothing more. I see there are a lot of other unhappy people with QA. I used QA only once before, so I presume I just got lucky the previous time.
Hi as you will note from my user name I live and work in Qatar and have flown 1000s of miles with them and still do and I in 10yrs of using them have only once had a problem which they sorted out within 1hr,I use my Air Miles with no problems.I do not work for the airline but have friends who do. All airlines have problems (BA terminal 5) as I put I am sorry the ground staff didnt handle your complaint as you would have liked,one question were you on a Full Fare economy or a bucket shop ticket? To finnish Qatar Airways are up there in the top 5 in the world and service is normally very good you must have dropped on a poor service manager.
If you don't wish to receive any help please do not post. Our site is not a platform for any campaigns.
I merely want to bring my case to the attention of your users. I have taken your advice on board and thank you for it.
It's unfortunate that you had a bad experience with Qatar, I think most of us who fly on a regular basis have a bad experience at some time. I had a very bad flight a few years ago with Singapore, an airline that is constantly voted as the best in the world. After the flight I posted details of my experience on the web but at no time would I have advised people not to fly with the airline just because of my one bad experience.. After my return home I pursued the matter with SA and reached a satisfactory outcome. Before advising people not to fly with the airline I suggest you give Qatar a chance to apologise or recompence you for their ineffiency. One bad flight doesn't make an airline a bad one and your telling people not to fly with Qatar because of your one experience just comes over as a rant.
There are also a lot of people who are happy with Qatar, in fact on the Sytrax airline review site they are listed as one of only six 5* airlines in the world and in the recent poll on Skytrax, Qatar were voted to have the best economy class, they were voted as the best middle eastern airline and fourth in the Airline of the Year class. Skytrax is a site that has millions of members. It's unfortunate that you had a bad experience with Qatar, I think most of us who fly on a regular basis have a bad experience at some time. I had a very bad flight a few years ago with Singapore, an airline that is constantly voted as the best in the world. After the flight I posted details of my experience on the web but at no time would I have advised people not to fly with the airline just because of my one bad experience.. After my return home I pursued the matter with SA and reached a satisfactory outcome. Before advising people not to fly with the airline I suggest you give Qatar a chance to apologise or recompence you for their ineffiency. One bad flight doesn't make an airline a bad one and your telling people not to fly with Qatar because of your one experience just comes over as a rant.
A lot of people are happy but I read a lot of comments about how dreadful their ground staff is even from people who never had any problems with QA generally. People need to know this.
You had a terrible time, but you don't appear to be wanting them to redeem themselves here in the UK. Why not? You'll get plenty of support in how to do that.
I've had experiences on British Airways and NWA that make your stay in Doha Airport appear like a 5* luxury holiday, but I got the problems addressed, in one case (BA) resolved satisfactorily, and i'll fly them again, and with NW, never. But at least I tried! You're just posting a whinge in many places, without seeing that you are in a tiny minority and terrible experiences happen with most airlines, but most Qatar clients are very, very, very happy.
I think this thread should be deleted for being largely pointless (imo!).
I'll send QA a letter and see what comes out of it. YOu can leave this thread open and we'll see what the results are.
Those who are "happy" with QA are people who don't have to deal with their Qatar ground staff, which is what happened to me the 1st time I flew with them.
We would be very happy to leave this thread open for you to come back and let us know how you got on.
We are all quick to jump on the bandwagon when something goes wrong but very rarely let others know when things go well.
I wasn't very fond of KLM having a couple of bad experiences with them and poor service. However, this year we flew to Dubai with them as they were considerably cheaper than any other airline. I have to say we were very impressed on all flights with the whole experience and my opinion of them quickly changed. I did post positive reviews on this site and a couple of other sites I use as well.
I suppose it is a human nature thing though in that we are all quick to complain but not so quick in advising of good service.
The reason I asked is because some cheap tickets do not allow for hotel accomidation during long delays,the Ref number on your booking will tell the Ground Staff what class of ticket you purchased.This could be the reason you were refused a hotel,however you should have been told this at the time. I am flying with them tomorrow to Frankfurt for me they are a very good airline.
As I said again and again, it is their ground staff in Doha that is appalling. Have you ever dealt with them for more than a few minutes? I guess you probably did not.
Just for me to sum up in the 11yrs I have lived and worked in Qatar I have had reason to deal with the ground staff alot more time than once.You state you were preparde to upgrade your ticket so you could get an hotel room sorry this is not allowed,did you ask if you could pay to go in the Orynx lounge?I take it you were economy.
"We were diverted from JFK to Newark which was not Qatar Airways fault, however once again the ground staff were terrible. Flight back again was great. Overall an extremely nice product on board, however the ground staff let the airline down."
"Now for some cautionary notes for other travelers thinking of flying by this airline. As other posters on this forum have mentioned, ground staff in Doha are quite shocking and don't have any concept of customer service."
"Their ground staff is not as efficient as Emirates (probably a lack of experiende, although it has improved over the last 2 years), but the service in the air is better."
On the theme of compensation:
"I was offered no compensations from the airline, and have lodged a complaint with them"
Maybe all this has something to do with Qatari society:
And I can expect I am sure people on this board to come back and say that the BBC and all these plaintiffs are ignorant about the real facts behind the facts, the real truth behind the truth.
I am sorry it seems you have decied that you want to purchase an el cheapo ticket and when there is as with all airlines a problem you want treating like someone who pays full fare.You are better flying Emirates or Indian Airlines.To end Good Luck.

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