Hya you lot, now then, i've always wanted to wear a cowboy hat on me hols and look like the models in the mags, so went ant got meeself one ( cheap as chips, only £6) now i've tried it on and gotta say, doesn't look quite right with me polo neck and fleece on, but am trying to get the vision of it with a nice sundress, cool shades, tan (!) and nice looking flippy floppies on a jamaican beach and must say, not sure wether i've got the nads to wear it !!
Is it sooo 2007/8 ? or would you go for it ? bearing in mind have been told the majority of guests are american/canadian, so should I go for it or be laughed out of jamaica forever ?!!!!!!
What other headgear are you wearing on holiday this year ??
cheers all, please say I can !!lol!!