its very easy to do, you get the transfer details from crown currencies go to your bank and ask to do a bacs transfer which is free an clears in 3 days, your bank will help you to fill out the form. safe and secure.
1.183 now
Thanks for the tips Cant. We go in a few days so probably not ideal to do it now but im going to hang fire for another couple of days to get my euros and see what happens, hopefully the rate will increase slightly more. I might consider the transfer for my next holidays though.
1.186 tonight and wonder if it will get through 1.19 soon.
ive proper jumped the gun last week buying them at 1.15
If people are quick crown currencies have still got good rates, sep to nov price 1.1979 1.1825 for july, 1.19 for aug.
think same as you about the profit taking ....dont think has peaked yet....probably a bit more joy over the next 2 weeks....then demand for euro will rise as families teachers and those who holiday in line with long summer school holidays start to buy ...and it will fall back....untill demand lessens again
so just wondering if anyone knows which high street stores are offering the best rates and if these rates discussed on here-116-117 are these whats been passed on to the buyer? not sure wether to get it on saturday or sunday or wait untill either 1 day next week probably wens after work or wether to nip up before packing my case saturday morning, we go 3am sat night/sun morning.
Compare travel, the euro has dropped down
I see on Ill have a think about it. To purchase online, you need to enter card details and I dont like using my card over the internet despite assurances that nothing bad will happen. They are good exchange rates though, its a shame you cant get them over the counter.
Just to let you know that Thomas Cook will match their internet price in store - just print it off and take it in to the branch - if you don't have a printer then they have a copy of the internet rates in store - Thomas Cook will pretty much pricematch any rate on the highstreet/online just have to ask!
Crown Currencies delivery date and rates.
29/06/2009 and 09/07/2009 1.1647
10/07/2009 and 19/07/2009 1.1677
20/07/2009 and 08/08/2009 2.0094
09/08/2009 and 02/09/2009 2.0196
03/09/2009 and 16/11/2009 2.0349
17/11/2009 and 05/01/2010 1.1915
06/01/2010 and 01/08/2010 1.2034
20/07/2009 and 08/08/2009 2.0094
09/08/2009 and 02/09/2009 2.0196
03/09/2009 and 16/11/2009 2.0349
I'm confused by that bit?
Here todays rates
22/07/2009 and 10/08/2009 1.1915
11/08/2009 and 04/09/2009 1.1990
05/09/2009 and 18/11/2009 1.2050
£ about to break through 1.19 and its 1.189 at the moment, lets hopes it keeps on going.
hi i went into a couple of places sat, going places offerd 112 to the pound and thompsons offerd 111, i decided ill go into town tomorrow see if can get any better, im changing £100 to tied us over then willl change more as needed over there, i was expecting the rates to be better than this from what ive read here?
most of the rates you see posted on here are internet prices from say crown ect... you would get a good deal from them if you order them now for say in a months time. but if you want them striaght away best deal is buy them on line at travelex think today is 1.14 and pick them up say the next next day. the high street shops will always give you a lower rate then the net
hi got a rate of 1.142 today changed £100 and got 115 euro that was with co-op travel

hi....was up to 1.139 again closed higher tnight....hopefully monday will see it up above thats when Im off for mine....mondays afternoon tuesday morning seems best times of the week to buy
1.1776 now...

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