Just tried for our dates beginning of March and just could not make it work.Back to the drawing board.
Just had a very quick look on Thomsons/FCs sites and I cannot believe the prices they are asking.Going to have to get a lot more real before they see our cash.
hi try united co-op group.01344 891135 man-doha-goa ive been informed they have good prices, hope this helps.
Hurrah have just booked Man - Doha - Goa, leaving on 22nd November, return 14th December. Just got to sort the accommodation out now
Roxey did you book directly with Qatar Airlines or thru one of the travel agents like Southall Travel?
Booked on line directly with Qatar
http://ticketstoindia.co.uk are £175 cheaper than direct with Qatar Airways for the same flights. I have used Tickets to India and found them to be first class.
It always appears cheaper to book via a travel agent that direct with the airline, thanks for that i supose you have to take the chance if you book good flight times then qatar change them theres not a lot you can do ,
we have flown with qatar from man via doha to mumbai, on our return flight we were told we were only booked from mumbai to doha and there wasnt a connecting flight from doha to manchester showing on their computer , we were assured that once we arrived in doha it would be sorted out and not to worry , when we arrived in doha we were passed fro desk to desk with everyone asking for our boarding cards for our flight to man it was infuriating in the end we had to stay overnight in a hotel and were again assured everything woul be sorted out in the morning and not to worry , the next morning it was just as infuriating because nothing was sorted out we were still not on a flight and had to wait on stand by

Sounds like we have had a lucky escape.
Just booked this service for next feb £376 just brilliant counting down now
£709 for both of us, manchester to goa, 8 nov-26 nov! booked with southall.
well happy with the price and im sure we'll be happy with the airline judging by the reviews.
just need to email the santana now and see if i can blag some discount on last marchs discounted rates!

anyone leaving on 31st October from manchester.....
We are flying to Mumbai via Finland

Just wondering if anyone fancies a pre-flight drink and chat...

Apparently I later read under the HT Qatar thread that if you book through Southall you get 30kgs instead of the 20kgs luggage allowance. Damn !!!!
However, if you book direct you get to choose your seats at the same time which is a plus.
Hand luggage is 7kgs.
Warning Excess baggage is charged at a whopping £33 per kilo !!!!
The advantages of Qatar are that you don't have to go through Indian immigration before Goa, there are no major terminal changes as with Mumbai and the planes are capable of carrying all your baggage ( 'cos it doesn't weight too much !!!!)
Flight times are a bit different but if you don't mind arriving in Goa ( 3.35 am ) and leaving Goa (4.35am) at early hours it looks excellent value. Personally I think I prefer to leave for the airport around midnight without going to bed ( saving an hotel night cost!) rather than getting up at 2.00am to catch a 6.30 am plane.
Qatar is 50% owned by the government so should be totally secure unlike the doubts with Kingfisher at the moment.
Plus you don't have to go to Heathrow ( saving expense from the north west) and I have booked 33 days car parking for only £67 on their early shuttle deal.
We have booked Qatar through Southall Travel and it states 20 kgs baggage!
@goangirl, when did you book? just had an email invoice from our booking last night but no e-tickets or baggage allowance?
We booked 7th. June.They sent the ticket by e.mail and then the tickets came through by post about 4 days after. Yours should follow soon.

The Marinha Dourada were helpful with booking a room and the price was very reasonable.
Thanks again.
thanks for the tip billy blue we will take advantage of the free beer on the plane

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