To be honest any area is open to break-ins but it seems that there are more on communities that are mainly Short term rental as opposed to those that are a mix of residential homes too .The newer communities have many many more rentals that those that are established .
I am biased towards booking direct with an owner -for obvious reasons

-but going that route does mean you can select your home to suit your group rather than be allocated on on arrival which is the way most TA operate .Booking direct mean s you have a direct line of communication to the owner and can build up a feeling of trust with each other and who else will know the home and what it has facility wise other than the owner.But if you feel going to a company is what you would rather do then that's fine.
Alarms are good but only if they are set and again they are not a 100% deterrent as many home get burgled even with alarms as the police take a certain time to get there.
I don't want to frighten you or lead you to believe that it is unsafe in villas because it isn't -I have not had a break in in 11 years of ownership (she touches wood very quickly)

I am only trying to help you in your decisions .