I'll let you know if the bar was open at that time when I return . Cardiff is also closer to us than Bristol, but easy jet doesn't fly from Cardiff, so had to travel that little bit extra
No drinking alcohol unfortunately as I always have to drive a hire car when I get to our destination airport but if I didn't have to I would definitely have a couple of bevvies at the departure airport to chill me out as I'm no fan of flying and for me it's more of a necessary evil. Mind you, I reckon a lot of people do have a drink before boarding judging by how quickly into the flight queues form outside the plane loos !
We always have a couple of drinks before take off as it is part of your holiday, to me it does not matter what time our flight is as by the time I arrive at the airport i'm well in holiday mood so it could be 3am and it wouldnt seem it coz Im that excited
Sure do - get the cases checked in - through for bacon butties then off to the bar - leave hubby there for a bit while me and daughter go to the duty free then come back to a nice cold bottle of beer - we work hard all year for our holidays and this part gets us right in the mood....also assists me in not thinking of how a plane can actually stay in the sky
Glasgow is always open whatever time we've flown at. This year we'll be there mid-afternoon so won't feel as guilty having my beer as I do having it before getting the 6am Tenerife flight haha
judging by how quickly into the flight queues form outside the plane loos !
My other half is scared of flying so we always have a calming drink before we board...however he is scared to go to the toilet. In his head getting up and moving around may 'affect' the plane in some way (he only weighs 13 stone! ) We have had many a mad dash to the toilet after lannding. This obviously cant be done on long haul so he just has to wait until he is too desperate to care!
I had a pint at approximately 5.30am when I went on hols at the end of June. Then I was sitting with some very friendly people and we all ended up having another alcoholic drink 'to be polite'.