I believe TOM392 EMA-CUN should be a 767 (300?) plane. Do all seats have reclining facility?
I have flown on a different (short haul) aircraft where rows with exits behind would not recline.
TOM392 will be operated on a Boeing 767-300 aircraft, all the seats should recline. I recently sat on the last row and even these seats reclined slightly.
I was Just trying to book seats there are 2 adults and 2 children, was thinking rows 39 and 40 seats a & b might be good. Is there any downside to these and do they have windows?
Many Thanks

I would select row 15/16 A&B or 15/16 F&G myself if travelling in a group of four. It is no extra as its not extra legroom, you'll be one of the first off back in Gatwick and near the first in Cancun(good idea-very very busy airport) and of course, you should be served first with drinks,snacks, meal and duty free.

By the way I followed the link to the Thomson seat together page and I was surprised to find it worked although I booked through First Choice in the travel agent, not online....just need your booking ref name and date of travel and you can choose your seats! fab.

I suggest row 18 and 19 then. that way row 19 is infront of the emergency exit so won't impeade on anyone else and you can recline also, you'll be about half way too, so if they serve from either the front or back you won't have long to wait.
Thankyou for all your help. I will see if they are still free.
Can anyone let me know which plane is operating for TOM5100 out of Luton on the 5th Oct please, also seating layout if pos.
TOM5100 will be operated on a Boeing 737-800 aircraft. The seating is 3-3 and around 28-29" leg pitch throughout the cabin.
More information can be found on the What Aircraft Guide
Does any one know which aircraft this will be ex tom ex fc..
Also we have extra leg room seats booked can you pre book your actuall seats with the extra leg room option if so which are the seat numbers with out the bulkhead...
Also how far in advance can you pre book your actual seats..
Thanks very much for any help given
Hello, Its too early to tell at the minute as over the coming months some of the ex-TOM aircraft will be transferred back to Long Haul service however I don't have the date of this so I can not be too sure at the moment.
However, if the aircraft are not transferred back it will be an ex-FCA aircraft and the ex-TOM 767 in longhaul only operates out of Manchester. I would imagine they will transfer them back ready for Summer 2010.
Yes you can book the specific seats you need to give Thomson a ring to find out what ones are available.
I would imagine you can book your seats now but if not I think its 6 weeks before departure.
The ex-Thomsonfly 767 in long haul config operates out of manchester this summer but in the winter, moves around the UK depending on the day.
The days Womblesun mentions mentions they(there will be 2+1spare) tied up at other airprports flying to Barbados. Which leaves the LGW-Cancun on a saturday to be operated by an ex-First Choice.
Thanks for the update I was not sure what was happening with the ex-TOM one.
Do you know when there converting the ex-TOM 767's back?
Flying to Sharm from Manchester on Thomsonfly TOM796 19th Nov, returning TOM877 30th Nov, anyone have any ideas of what aircraft we will be on? No doubt will be nicely cramped for 5.5 hours! Last time to Sharm with First Choice we were on a nice spacious 767 (although had 8 hours delay, so well deserved room I think!) However, last time to Sharm with Thomson was cramped like sardines.... If that is to be the case, any ides of best seat numbers to book for two - biggish - adults and one 11 yr old child? Many thanks all..
Flight TOM796 is set to be operated on a Boeing 757-200 aircraft. 3-3 seating across the cabin and 29" leg room, unfortunately it doesn't look like there will be a 767 on this flight.
Edit; Flight 877 will also be on the 757 aircraft.
All the seats are practically the same so its mainly personal preference of where you wish to be sat.
we are flying to cozumel next week tom 152 do u know if this flight as had any delays or had aircraft changes during the summer months we booked premium seating so wouldnt want to be on a short haul config plane
TOM152 has not been affected by any changes this summer and has left on time from what I can see.
Your flight will be on the ex-FCA 767-300 aircraft. G-OOAN is one that usually operates this flight along with G-DBLA.
Thanks for your quick reply just hoping it stays the same for next week

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