There is a little pearl down south here called Tarifa.
Many people come to the costa and don't know about this place - which is a shame - I actually moved down to live here as I love kitesurfing.
Tarifa is located right at the southern most point of Spain - and looks over the straight at Africa. People often think Gibraltar is at the bottom - but it's not.
Tarifa is an old fishing town that today is mostly known for its long sand beach and its wind. It's uncommon to find a really nice long (3 km's I think) beach of sand along this part of the coast, but Tarifa has a great one.
If you windsurf or kitesurf, then it's a must to come past here as, there is often good wind.
Outside the town there is also a great big sand dune that kids can roll down - it's pretty huge.
If you are not coming for the surfing - then check the wind beforehand as if it is really blowing - then it isn't much fun.
Even if there is no wind in Algeciras/Gibraltar, then you can have loads of wind in Tarifa.
If you are heading down this way - then drop me a line as we could hit a pub in town - there are plenty.
Hi Pete, welcome to Holiday truths. Thanks for sharing with us info on Tarifa.
I moved down two years ago - and my spanish is not as good as it should be, so I still enjoy the company of "poms" - mu ha ha ha.
I had these driving instructions I made for a friend - thought they might be usefull if someone needs to get down to tarifa and doesn't have GPS or a map:-)
Driving directions from Malaga airport to Tarifa
You have probably gotten your rental car at the airport.
Some companies have the car right at the airport, some have mini busses that arrive and take you to your car a little way away. (Becomes important later)
If you get your car right at the airport parking - then there is only one direction you can take - out of the terminal parking area.
As soon as you leave the airport you will see a round about. Just straight ahead at this round about.
Up ahead you will see a big overhead sign to Cadiz - stay in the right lane hand lane and follow the road as it curve right.
If you have been driven out to a rental place not at the airport - you will usually be over in one same area - they are all located there.
As you leave the rental place - you will most likely come out at the same round about mentioned below, otherwise - you will for sure see some sign to Cadiz - soon as you are on the three lane motorway - follow from "Step x"
You will come out on a three-lane motorway - get in middle lane (as right one will turn off to the right.
Step x
About 2 KM's up the road - there will be a sign to Algeciras on the right. Following sign and you are now on the A7.
Follow this road way all the way to Algeciras - some times this main highway will split - where it says A7 and AP-7.
The AP is the one with the road tolls - will cost about 6 to 10 euro in road tolls dependant on time of year - but take the road toll one, it´s faster - and you are here to surf and be in Tarifa - not saving 10 euro wasting SURF TIME.
When you get near Algeciras - there is a big split of the high-way with like turnpikes around - stay in left lane.
You will start going around Ageciras now - still on a main road.
The road suddenly has like two halves where the left really splits off (goes underground) - just stay to the right - there is a clear sign for Tarifa overhead.
Now yu will have a couple of traffic lights - so just keep going straight - you are still on the right road.
Stay on this road - there will be a couple of round abouts, which you go straight through.
Then you will start heading up a mountain that goes around the coast - and yes, that there on your left is Africa - just stay on this road - and it will go into a valley and then up again - and as you come over, you will start to see Tarifa down in front of you - just take a left turn - there are two of them into Tarifa, so you cant miss them.
Again - if anyone heads down this way - drop me a line on my messenger - live here full time.
PS: I have some great shots of Tarifa - any way of sharing them here?
You can upload photos to our Photo Galleries, link at the top of the page. I would suggest not trying to upload more than 5 at a time as it can be painfully slow.
If you need instructions I think there is a help topic in our Help & Assistance forum.

I tried to upload some photos from tarifa - but they seemed to end up in the "upload" folder.
maybe I did something worng?
Ignore my last post - I read the help now and can see you guys move the photos :-)
Also close to Tarifa are the beautiful beaches of Punta Poloma, Bolonia and Zahara de los atunes. A little bit further on is the magical town of Vejer de la frontera, a beautiful romantic white village perched on a rocky mountain. And a little further still is the oldest city in western europe and one of the most inspiring, Cadiz.
Vejer is situated on top of a mountain - and has view both inland and over the Atlantic (all the way to Africa).
Any Idea what happened to the pictures I uploaded - cry...
Will ask our Mod who is in charge of the photo album to take a look at this post
Are these them.?
Yay - they sure are :-)
Hi have you been across to morocco? I read somwhere that you can get the ferry across on a Saturday cheap. It is pricey for a family of four to go on an organised trip
I have been to Morocco.
You can take the ferry from Tarifa to Tangiers.
I am not too sure about the Saturday deal - but I am sure you can can call them and hear.
I can't paste the link to the website for some reason - but if you google "FRS Tarifa" you can find the website for FRS, who is the company that runs that ferry service.
I have heard it can be worthwhile getting a guide while there - but I don't know any.
Thanks Pete

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