Sorry, I can't give any reassurances about the problem, and whether it is as bad as you have read.
The Norovirus is a very difficult virus to eradicate, and it only needs one person to infect surfaces or food and this bug will spread like wildfire because it is an aire-borne virus, and it thrives in situations where "communal living" takes place, like cruise ships, hospitals, nursing homes and hotels.
My advice would be......
Take extra special care with your personal hygiene and especially your children's hygiene.
Try not to touch surfaces like handrails and door handles, and especially the toilet door handle.....use a tissue or a hanky to grab them.
Just before you put anything in your mouth, use some anti-bacterial gel, which can be bought on the high street in a small bottle for just over a £1, and it takes seconds to rub a small amount on your hands and evaporate.
If you're out in the resort, again use the hand gel and don't touch things like complimentary tit-bits, like crisps or nuts.
I don't mean to sound paranoid, but I've managed several times to avoid being struck down with the Norovirus in a hotel on the Costa Blanca, where according to reports, the people around me were supposed to be "dropping like flies".
Just take a little extra care and it will go a long way.
Edited by
2009-10-22 21:04:21