...some people will try to sell you goods at more than their true value.
...double-decker sunbeds will become the norm, seems no height restrictions.
...taxi drivers will offer you their services.
...people walk on the road because the sticky tar on the pavements ruin their shoes.
...you need to wear armpads to protect from swinging Radley bags.
...taxi drivers will offer you their services.
...you need to wear very dark sunglasses to protect your eyes, the reflection from ultra whitened teeth can be blinding.
...if someone winks at you, it might only be them trying to relieve dryness after laser eye surgery.
...taxi drivers will offer you their services.
...a renowned coffee drinker remains sober by spilling more than she drinks (see meet pics).

...all local toilets have electric hoists to lower and hold you in the squat position and are failsafe in power cuts.
...taxi drivers will offer you their services.
...it will be OK to go topless on the beach, only I don't like being the centre of attention and have people take pictures of me. The OH assures me that they REALLY will not take any notice of a bald headed git with manboobs.