Pleased to know we're not the only ones to take a bathmat, godsend they are.
I find teatree oil is great to have whilst away. It is multi purpose and as it is in such a small bottle, takes very little room up. It's great for spots, bites and stings, cuts and grazes as well as warding the mozzies away and it even gets rid of atheletes foot. A godsend for anyone travelling.
Also lavender oil. It is great for sunburn and very calming and great for headaches. When my kids were smaller I would put 1 drop on a tissue at bedtime the night before to help them sleep oh and peppermint oil great for travel sickness or trapped wind etc. Bottles usually only contain 10mls so you can put them in your clear plastic bag. Karen
And if going self-catering I always try and remember to pop a few 'Klippit' fasteners in - you know the sort of thing that you can use to close up packets once you've opened them.
Important matters could I suggest you also cancel any deliveries of newspapers or magazines. You wouldn't want them hanging out of the letterbox as a sign there was nobody home.
i think it is a really good idea to have this up and running on ht. what makes it especially useful is that other members can add suggestions too which will make the list bigger and better. i am going on holiday in 8 days and i was actually in the middle if writing my list when i found it. i shouldnt forget anything now.
thanks, mel
Many thanks for very usefull packing help. Could you add `Tops` to go with skirts. I know you have Tshirts but we need our glam tops for evening!
could I suggest you also cancel any deliveries of newspapers or magazines. You wouldn't want them hanging out of the letterbox as a sign there was nobody home
I don't have any arranged deliveries of papers or magazines but I do ask nextdoor to make sure the weekly free paper is pushed through the letterbox properly and to make sure my gate is closed if any disrespectful pizza-leaflet-boys/change-your-gas-supplier-touts leave it open

I always pay for Royal Mail's "Keepsafe" service, you give them your dates and, for around a fiver, they hold all your mail deliveries until the day you come home. Of course, the postman hates me on that day

List has now been updated - sorry for the delay but a trip to Egypt had priority.
sorry for the delay but a trip to Egypt had priority
....... are you sure you're taking this website as seriously as you should,Mark ?

...... Hope you had a good time !!
A copy of prescription of any medicaton if it hasn't been mentioned already.
I was in two minds updating the list whilst in Egypt but the notice advertising the internet service at the hotel did state that the connection could be rather sloooooooowwwwwww.
(that comment should satisfy management about my commitment to HT :rofl)

Camomile lotion for sunburn - this save my life when I was in Turkey last year!
Hydrocortisone for insect bites etc. - especially for someone who suffers allergies like I do
Hand tissues - Not just for blowing your nose but also for emergency bog roll!
Wet wipes - get a decent brand and not the nasty chemical ones. Something like Huggies' soft skin especially if your skin dries out like mine
We always take 2 hard plastic mugs with us, they are very light & don't take up too much room. I have to have a big cuppa in the mornings & most places only have tiny cups with saucers (if you are lucky).
Could someone please change the background colour to plain white? It uses an awful lot of blue ink.
I actually printed my luggage labels in black and white as I'd removed the colour ink, and they turned out OK. Jenny x
Just tried to print check list but after trying 3 times I realized because it's in yellow ink you can't read it

Oil of Cloves.
I always include this in case of toothache. The one year I forgot it my husband had problems with an abcess and I couldn't translate what I wanted into French before we found a dentist. So it's just a reassurance for me to know it's there.
This really works: Soak a cotton wool ball and hold against inflamed area: has a really numbing effect
No!! please do not do this. when i had really bad toothache i phoned NHS Direct and when it old them that my partners uncle had recommended this, she said that i should in no way attempt this, as it will burn the gum.

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