I am booked on the LGW/Cancun flight on Sunday - Does anyone know where the plane will be flying in from?
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Please supply your flight number when making requests so we know the exact flight you're on. There are sometimes multiple flights. The flight prior to LGW-CUN-LGW (TCX087K/L) is normally TCX047K/L to/from Barbados, sometimes TCX026K/L to/from Calgary. However, please be aware that the weather conditions has disrupted flight schedules so it may have changed.
Thanks Darren - really appreciate this. Crossed fingers we get away on Sunday morning without too much delay
hello everyone, i wondered if anyone has any recent-ish experience of thomas cook premium long haul...food, entertainment etc? we have done first choice and thomson premium and i have heard general murmerings that whilst still good, first choice and thomson have the edge over thomas cooks product? we are pretty un fussy anyway, the main reason for us enjoying the upgrade is more space and usually a quieter cabin in general, if anyone has any comments i would be interested and greatful, thanks!
Thomson Airways premium product is slighter better than TCX's. Seat pitch is slightly less spacious with TCX and the IFE system is a little older although it is touchscreen. Depending on the aircraft, half have external flight cameras that are excellent, but only one has on-demand functionality (G-TCXA, only on long haul up to end of April). Current IFE listings are availalbe on TCX's inflight magazine. Food is about the same in my opinion. You'll find the Airbus A330-200 is a generally quieter experience over the Boeing 767-300/ER. That's a function of the aircraft type rather than the cabin ambience, it's just a quieter aircraft. It's also a lot bigger than the 767 with a wider fuselage.
The long haul Boeings are indeed looking tired and cannot be far away from either a major re-fit and upgrade or possible retirement to another carrier.However they still perform a sterling service.Maybe they await the long overdue arrival of their 787s before they put these old birds out to rest.
The experts will correct me if I am wrong.It is possible on some TCX premium cabins to have a 2-4-2 layout which gives nowhere near as much comfort.
Having flown many times on various Middle Eastern airlines whose IFE is simply top notch with literally hundreds of movie choices I can say that Thomsons offering although not in the same league is pretty good.
The ability in Premium to pause, rewind or stop your choice of entertainment as you choose is a very nice feature.
Added to that the included bar service and priority boarding and disembarkation and it adds up to a nice experience.
Pricey but nice.IMHO of course.
thank you both for your offerings, i knew the seat pitch was slightly less on tcx but i cant imagine you would particularly notice unless you were actually looking for it, as for entertainment, i like a good film for a couple of hours, but im more a slave to my tacky gossip mags and even tackier music on my i-pod so im sure i'll be more than happy with whats on offer. i am looking forward to using thomas cook airlines for the first time, particularly as after all our first choice holidays, we could go through T2 at manchester now with our eyes shut, so it will be nice to have the ''re-furbed'' T1 experience this time, i think the last time i used T1 they still had the iconic crystal chandeliers swinging form the ceiling...around the same time in my life when my feet didnt touch the floor on the flight-Dazbo will remember those light fittings, i'm sure!
emmacat wrote:Dazbo will remember those light fittings, i'm sure!
I remember those light fittings well, they were icons of Manchester Airport and a centre piece as you went down the slope from the check-in area to the windows overlooking the apron between pier A and B. Those were the days, you can't see out now. I wouldn't be too excited about the T1 refurb. It's just a shopping centre with gates these days and not enough seats to go around. This is the main 'square'. I presonally preffered the airport before all the refurbishments. It's fine if you like shopping, but it's far too commercialised for me now and actually prefer T2 and the simplicity of T3.
Papa wrote:
The experts will correct me if I am wrong.It is possible on some TCX premium cabins to have a 2-4-2 layout which gives nowhere near as much comfort.
To clarify, none of the TCX a330s are 2-4-2 in PREM, all cabin PREM layouts are 2-3-2.
I think Papa may have been thinking of the A330-300 from summer lease, but that was in economy and not premium.
Thanks very much for the clarification gents.
Anyone know the reg of the 752 operating todays flight from banjul to man (tcx184l) thanks.
onetruenutta wrote:Anyone know the reg of the 752 operating todays flight from banjul to man (tcx184l) thanks.
It's actually a Boeing 767-31K/ER operating that route. G-DAJC has operated it for the last couple of weeks. The only 757-200 to operate the route was on 12 / 27th December 2009.
EDIT: You beat me to it by 5 seconds Gower!! Happy New Year by the way

It sounds like TCX have planned ahead and both the Toronto and Cancun will operate from different airports further North to avoid very hefty delays, as it seems no planes will be arriving during the night and tomorrow at LGW. PAssenegrs will be coached ther ein the morning.
Thank god a plan is in place......
Thanks guys, i got my info about the 752 on flightstats.co.uk.
Hi, please can someone tell me what aircraft operated TCX955K BFS-DLM today?
Hi Darren, what aircraft do Thomas Cook use from MAN -PMI Flight Numbers TCX801k / TCX801L in June. I was originally booked to go to Mallorca in mid May with Monarch, but have had to change my plans.
LBA73 wrote:Hi, please can someone tell me what aircraft operated TCX955K BFS-DLM today?
It was G-OMYA (A320-200).
MAN-PMI-MAN (TCX801K/L) would normally be a Boeing 757-200 or Airbus A321-200. I'll be able to confirm it closer to the time. You'll find further aircraft information on our What Aircraft? guide (see below).

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