malarone tablets are the best,as they protect against all types of malaria,and contrary to what i read on this forum all types of malaria DO exist in goa including falciparum,my friend contracted it here two years ago and died,problems with malarone are 1) the cost 2)can only be taken for 28 days
chloroquine and proguanil reasonably cheap take one chlor on the same day each week and two proguanil per day start the week before you come these can be bought at boots etc.over the counter no prescription,get your one weeks supply in uk then buy rest when you get here,
larium not really to be recommended as side effects include hallucinations,depression doctors dont like to prescribe them
doxycycline is a wide based one used for all sorts of things if your teenager has spots and you take them to docs,you may find they are already on themon the docs prescription