And "OH Yes" those toilets..........Mmmmmmmm. queue a mile long, with ladies hopping on one leg with painful looks on their faces, (Iwas one, by the way) the hole in the floor ones were occupied, thank goodness, and the laughter from behind the doors was infectious, very very funny. So please, take your lira with you if you need a quick wee wee, leave hubby on the sand with the bags (cos there aint no way you can pretty up in them toilets!) pay the ladies at the table outside and in you go...................an experience that can't be missed.
Trip wise, any of the towns within the Olu/Fethiye/Dalyan/Hisorunu resorts have shops, beach vendors and trip sellers at every turn, all offer the mud bath trips, usually the boat trip to see the Lycian Rock Tombs, then the baths, lunch, (which is quite basic but ok) then on to Iztuzu Beach, there are good deals to be had, and even some of the hotels have cards in reception offering trips. Keep away from the rep offering tours, it is always overpriced, and nearly always, you end up at the rug warehouse................far better to diy.
You will love it, lots of fun and a worth while experience.