Hi Rachie. we were thinking about going away for october half term,- despite being away on a uk sun holiday in September,-as well as everything we have booked up for this year
Yes, i was slightly wrongfooted with these set of Euro hols, as I thought the only way to get one of these was with a priorty code,when the next round of hols came around in April! Hence me saying I hoped to get a priority code next time !
Anyway, we can only go to one of maybe two of the parks near paris, and can only go in October half term, so I dont think i'd have much of a hope of getting a holiday if i only put down two parks and one set of dates.
I may give it a go though, as i've nothing to lose, and i can always have a go again in April if i get priorty booking form then. If not we'll do a three nighter in a uk park.
Thanks for all your help