Are you by any chance travelling to Cuba - the immigration authorities there are now asking that you produce proof of insurance on arrival?
I too have an annual policy as part of my current account package and I don't know whether this is good news or bad news for those of you that this might effect but my attempts to get HBOS to send me the required confirmation that I do have travel insurance has turned into a bit of saga. I first phoned up about this 3 weeks ago and was assured that they knew exactly what it was I needed and that they would send it out in the post to me. Great, one more thing ticked off the 'to do' list -except it never arrived! I have since had to phone up on a weekly basis and by this morning I was getting panicky as I leave home on Tuesday on route to Cuba via Gatwick. After a very long time kept on hold and being passed from one person to another, they agreed that if I went to my local branch and got them to phone, that they would fax it to them to pass on to me. They refused to fax it direct to me. This I duly did and when it eventually came through I did think that it wasn't quite was I was expecting - it was mainly a definition of who counted as 'family' which is irrelevant to me because I'm single and have no kids! However, having been assured by the branch staff that this was what they'd been assured was all I needed, I was just glad to get back to work.
However when I got home late this afternoon and looked at it more closely, I realised that it actually also contained all the information re my full address details, sort code and bank account no that anybody would need to access my account details! Out of curiousity I did just that - phoned the tel no on the faxed letter and yes, all the questions I was asked could be answered by looking for the info on the letter. I pointed out that given the stern warnings the bank issues to customers about keeping their account details secure, they had now provided all that info on a letter that I might have to allow Cuban Immigration officials to photocopy for all I know because I don't know anybody who ha been out there since this new rule was introduced and the small independent TO I'm booked with wasn't sure about the procedure either. I insisted that I wanted my complaint logged and that if I had to handover this letter and I found that my account had been defrauded then I would hold them responsible.
Luckily, soon after this the post arrived and lo and behold! There was a letter (dated the 18th June so it's taken 6 days to arrive) confirming the details of my insurance cover as originally reqested 3 weeks ago and WITHOUT any of my account details on it and a separate policy number instead. So that is what I will take with me to Cuba but what a palaver to get it out of HBOS!
I feel so much better for getting that whinge of my chest but a bit alarming for anybody who hasn't got 3 weeks to get it sorted before they go on holiday!