Billiwiz.Rather a wide sweeping statement.You are obviously unhappy with your Antalya holiday but do not state why.Having lived here for six years neither my wife nor I have experienced anything like the statement that you made.Maybe you could explain the problem ( s )
I have been to Antalya around 5 or 6 times and always had a great holiday, found the Turkish to be nice and friendly just like in other parts of Turkey and certainly didn't get the impression they didn't want the British there,
Could you elaborate please as to why you come to that conclusion? Other members who are going to or considering going to Antalya may be interested in your reasons, your post leaves me wondering why!
there were many resons for not enjoying the holiday so here are a few,the beach was really pebbly and so uncomfortable on your feet it was billed as the famous konyalti beach,famous for what peebles! also the resort had lots of turkish there who were on they holidays the women looked at you with disgust for wearing a strappy top i felt so out of plce ,even on the beach the women wre covered up,.the hotel was nice we were at the sheraton but there was nowhere to pop uut and have a drink unless you stayed in the hotel where a small effes and a small carlsberg would set you back 19tl,the food was basic unless you wanted a grill or a kebab you had had it,i know i am a chef there are hardly any international resteraunts so go if you like a grill as i said,,the hotel a la carte was very nice but again very expensive,wine was 12tl a glass a small one at that.the bazzar just dont go the people are rude they call you names and on more than one occasion i felt quite frightened,it was cloudy most afternoons and rained 4 times,I never saw a house all the time we were there it was so built up a bit like a massive council estate.the prices of things were high you got the feeling there was one price for the tourist and one for the turks.if you want to borrow the iron in the hotel they want a deposit of 100tl and you have to sign to say even after you have left the hotel and they find something wrong with the iron they will charge it to your credit card,i have never stayed in a 5 srar that did that, usually there is an iron and board in the wardrobe,but not in turkey.I could go on and on, all i am trying to do is to stop people making the same mistake as we did,i blame the holiday companies for advertising holidays there it is a turkish holiday resort that the turks want to keep for themselves,fair enough like i said dont go there you will not enjoy it ,spend your money in a place you feel welcome.
If your thinking of going and you want a family holiday near the beach, please dont go to antalya the women are not allowed in the one or two bars we found and dont really go out at night, the beach is not for people with buggies or the dissabled, one big long swerving road down to the beach, the beach was awful to walk on its just big pebbles, and full of turks who just stare at you for being the only idiot brit on the beach! (no lie!) dont even go out your hotel in the day and walk around the shops even more people just stare at you for being there! my boyfriend could'nt even walk around with his t-shirt off the looks he got were terrible! a note to holiday companies "PLEASE ASK A PERSONS COUNTRY OF RESIDENCE BEFORE TAKING HARD EARNED CASH OFF SOMEONE WANTING TO GO TO ANTALYA, AND IF BRITISH DONT SELL TO THEM", there was a B.A flight attendant in our hotel who heard us on the phone to our travel company, after the telephone conversation he said to us, "what are you doing here antalya isnt a holiday destination for british families, (you dont say!) people who come here are either turkish students, turkish holiday makers or people waiting for a connecting flight from antalya airport!!!!" dont let this put you off turkey though! we just got back 2 weeks ago from marmaris and i cried when we got home its so nice and the club julian hotel is amazing!!!!!!! theres loads to do!!!!!!!!
Antalya is mainly for the turkish students, russians, and other turkish residents, but most definatley not for us brits!!!!! lesson learnt!!!!

My wife and i have been going to Belek in the Antalya refion 2/3 times a year for the last 12 .We always go into Antalya 3/4 times during our 2 week stay and never once have we felt as if we were not wanted .We have had no sort of threats or name calling in the bazzar which we have been to on numerous occasions and have always been made most welcome in all the bars and restaurants we have visited.I dont think that people should be put off just because of oneor two bad reviews,so they will not change my opinion of Antalya . What is good for some is no good for others .As for Antalya being full of Turks ,gosh i wonder why that is.
bluepeterno1 wrote:My wife and i have been going to Belek in the Antalya refion 2/3 times a year for the last 12 .We always go into Antalya 3/4 times during our 2 week stay and never once have we felt as if we were not wanted .We have had no sort of threats or name calling in the bazzar which we have been to on numerous occasions and have always been made most welcome in all the bars and restaurants we have visited.I dont think that people should be put off just because of oneor two bad reviews,so they will not change my opinion of Antalya . What is good for some is no good for others .As for Antalya being full of Turks ,gosh i wonder why that is.

I stayed in alanya a couple of years ago and found that I didnt feel as welcome as in other parts of Turkey. Brits are in the minority but this may well suit some people, I knew this before I went and was looking forward to experiencing " The Real Turkey" I didnt like it at all it just didnt have the same feeling as other parts. Our hotel was awful and feel that this didnt help and I did wonder if I would have enjoyed it more if I had been in another hotel but when we said a polite no thankyou to a man who wanted us to eat in his restaurant and he shouted you English ba*****s you kiss George Bushs ar*e I knew I would never return. We returned from Gumbet on 5th June and are off to Altinkum on 28th July so one bad experience has not put me off Turkey one bit. Roll on 28th
We went to lara Beach, Antalya at Christmas and thoroughly enjoyed it. We visited Antalya twice and did not experience what the first writer did. It is as if that person visited a different country. The only thing I would say is that if someone visited Liverpool and found that it was full of Scousers, then should that person complain? I should hope not!
We go into the market in Beleck so that my daughters can have a shop and it is a lot less pushy than markets in other parts of turkey.
We are off again in 3 weeks and i cannot wait

I remember being in the Monchique mountains in Portugal 2 years ago, and a group of young Portugese lads
giving my middle aged Husband, and myself some verbal abuse for being British.
We also had a similar experience in Kefalonia Greece. Us 'Brit's' aren't always
welcomed with open arms. It's best to just ignore the comments, and walk on with your head held high.
We've only ever been to Turkey once before, to Kusadasi, and we HATED the whole experience,
and vowed never to return to Turkey again. However, many people on here absolutely love Kusadasi,
because they had a totally different experience of the place, and it's because of reading about other people's
experiences that we decided to try Turkey again, as "one man's meat is another man's poison"
(As they say). I often read others raving about Marmaris, but to me, it's my idea of holiday hell,
as we prefer quieter type holidays, but that's the whole point, we're ALL DIFFERENT, and like different things from our holiday.
You can't expect people to stay away from Antalya, just because you had a bad experience there.
It's up to people to make up their own minds about where they go, and what they want from their holiday.
It's good to give your opinion guys, but we all have minds of our own!
I would like to add though, that we never had anyone be rude or openly unfriendly to us.
Edited by
2010-07-30 14:25:11
Speak for yourself Dadooronron.
We love the Antalya region and have never had a bad experience in 12 years !
We once stayed in the worst hotel possible in Kusadasi,
but never failed to tip the waiters and hotel staff. (They worked their socks off for a bad boss, not their fault).
However, I have discovered the richer the people, the less they want to part with their money.
Probably what helps to keep them rich in the first place.
Us, on the other hand, will NEVER be rich, we're far too generous, but I prefer to be that way.
To actually come on a forum and warn people not to go is ridiculous! If people have a bad experience, yes mention this but to come on a Turkey Forum full of people that love the Country and return year after year, and warn them not to go, is hardly going to be taken very seriously!
We love Turkey and please any first timers do not let this kind of topic frighten you and put you off going! We have been numerous times and have 4 holidays all to Turkey booked, 2 of them in the Antalya Region!!!
When we stay in Olu Deniz, we leave a tip with every meal.
I was referring to the locals outside the hotels, ie shops and bars. They don't seem to try as hard as in Olu and Marmaris.
I cant quite believe what I am hearing... maybe u had a bad experience in one place but that doesnt rule out the whole of Antalya, I always go to Side, the people are so nice, cant do enough for you, I have a hell of alot of friends there mostly Turkish. The prices are nowhere near what you have just said a drink was where I go anyway. As for men with tops off and women in strappy tops i've never experienced anything like that. I'm presuming by what you have said that u stayed actually in Antalya City which isnt the beach resorts. I've had Turkish friends insisting I dont walk back to Hotel on my own and they will walk me right to the door and they are not sleezy with me at all, I always go with people but I have been twice on my own and i'm well looked after. Each to their own but dont put others off when alot of people have had enjoyable holidays there. Somebodies bad experience isnt another persons. Also some people are just far too picky and stuck up (not saying you are) but you do get epople who will just moan at anything.

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