Can anyone recommend an insect repellant that does not smell too awful!
Don't normally need to use one but off to Croatia in September and from past experience September/October can be pretty bad as regards biting insects - particularly as we are near water.
I have one from a few years back but probably past its best by now and it was quite strong smelling.
Thanks in advance.......
How about trying Avons skin-so-soft Woodland (original) dry oil spray? Not only do you get a mosituriser but it's reknowned for repelling midgies too. On offer just now at £2 insted of £5
Someone told me that eating marmite for a few weeks before a holiday helps keep the midges etc away. I usually get bitten badly and they develop into itchy watery lumps so I thought this was worth a try (I like marmite anyway) About 3 weeks before our Canada trip I started with marmite on toast every day, whilst there I continued with this and also used the deet lotion and lastly avon skin so soft. During our 3 weeks there I had 5 bites which were itchy but went away quickly - this is much less than I get during one day in Scotland or the Lakes usually so I would say that it definitely worked for me.
Following my last post about marmite, I've just been reading that it's rich in vit B1, B2, B12 and folic acid so that ties in with the comments about taking vit B and it's also very good for you and vegetarian
I use the Avon Skin so soft (as a represenataive I sell quite a lot of it).
Have ordered the skin so soft from my Avon rep. Thanks everyone for your help.

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