General Holiday Enquiries, Hints and Tips

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stay on the balcony but with more than one beer ..
and people watch..the pretty ones anyway (girls ) that is
A. A nice cool beer on the balcony?

Sounds good.

B. A snooze

Ditto A

C. Watch a bit of tv? (well bbc news or eurosport)

Ditto A

D. Nip down to the bar (as happy hour is between the hours of 5 and 6 pm)

Ditto A

E. Read the paper (At 2 euros 20 cents I'm gonna read every word)

Ditto A

F. See if you can see any topless women from the balcony

Don't let the wife catch you.

G. Get the camcorder out and try and film the wife in the shower

Have you got a death wish?

H. Get dinner started (hahahhaha, like we're gonna do that)

Go on holiday so I don't have to do that

I jump in the shower first as hubby is usually fast asleep after our late afternoon 'siesta'. I wake him to jump in the shower when I'm at the applying make-up stage as that way we're both ready together ;) Sorted.
Ha Ha Ha this post made me laugh out loud..My partner who normally comes away with me (but not this year) always either watches the spanish tv channels looking at pretty spanish girls,or will sit on balcony with a can of cider, and mess about with his Zen music player,or if he is in the shower I wait longer for him as he takes forever, I dont mind though this gives me time to catch up on sunbathing on the balcony avin a glass of vino or a bottle of water.and I also paint my nails and do my make up on the balcony..I can get everything done waiting for him..this year it will be my sister who Im sharing a room with,so I can take forever.2 weeks on thurs getting closer now...:O) :D
Funnily enough, just got back from Greece and on day one when the Mrs inspected the bathroom she stated there was a message on the wall saying that there were severe water shortages in the area and that we must shower together. We abided by the rules for the week and on the last day the Mrs asked me to check the bathroom to see if we had left anything. All seemed ok, so I came out of the bathroom ripping up the shower message. "What you doing?", she asked. "Don't worry" I replied, "I'll print off another one for our next holiday" ;)

Robby :wink:
:rofl @ Robby- and she fell for it? I think you need to paint a picture of the sun on your bedroom wall at home ;)
my other half showers and gets ready first, then leaves me to get the kids and myself ready while he goes to a bar where we always start our evening off
he's not soft is he !!!
we don't have any hard and fast rules, it who wants a shower first then the other will watch tv or sit on balcony with a beer.
4 weeks on wednesday ibiza here we come
No, You've got it wrong girls....
You let him take a shower first, then you surprise him by joining him and make his day....
Then he needs to rest afterwards and he's feeling happy, so you can take all the time in the world getting ready. :rofl

yuk no way..sooner stay on the balcony with my beer ..its less tiring. :tongue
Funny replies, so nice to smile. One of the reasons why I am a member of HT. :tup
Sanji has the right idea..

Excellent replies...they really made me smile. :rofl
i agree with Sanji and Val.
why cant all women realise that you dont have to do too much to keep us simple folks happy ;-)
and if we are happy then it will make your holiday so much better :angel
Chivas69 wrote:
G. Get the camcorder out and try and film the wife in the shower

Can I have a copy please :tongue :tongue :tongue
joeseptuk wrote:
Can I have a copy please

I go in first. Then when I'm ready I wait for him on the balcony with a drink :cheers
doesnt the shower water dilute the beer when you are in there with your wife..
p.s and who picks up the soap when it falls to the shower floor. :rofl
Get the camcorder out and review what you videoed (or thought you'd videoed) today.

Check the sunset time and decide whether its worth going for a photograph.

Read the welcome pack you should have read on the first day, finding out what you could have done if only you'd known at the start of the week.

Put the telly on to watch the only channel thats in English (BBC world service) and catch up on a coup that's going on in a country you've never heard of to depose a dictator you never heard of.
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