I would not listen to ANYTHING First Choice have to say on the matter. They have ONE and only ONE concern when something like this occurs. That is to avoid lawsuits and deny any responsibility. To suggest it is island wide and airborne SCREAM of avoiding liability.
Look at it logically. Other than the air they breath, what common factor exists with all those who have been ill? If it were airborne or island wide, there would be as many people getting ill elsewhere as in the hotel. That would mean thousands of people going to the hospital. That would be an epidemic of big enough scale to make world news! No, the common factor is the hotel.
Nor is a broken sewer pipe likely to be to blame. If someone stuck their hands in it and then transferred a virus into the hotel, the sewer might be the source but would still have to be transmitted through either food, drinking water or human contact. Whatever the source, the cause has to be improper hygiene and most likely in the kitchen.
All signs point to Viral Gastroenteritis. It is extremely common, extremely contagious and in a closed environment like an AI hotel will affect a large number in no time as this has. Read here to learn more about it. One thing you will read is that there is no medication you can take. Antibiotics are not effective against viruses. What you have to guard against most of all is dehydration.
As for liability, speak to your lawyer. Viral gastroenteritis can be life threatening especially in children.
What should NOT be happening and what can open the door to lawsuits is the continued bringing of new guests to the hotel by First Choice. Read this article to see where cruise ships have been the subject of class action lawsuits because they kept taking on new passengers. You might also find the degree to which they have to clean (replace pillows, steam clean upholstery) eye opening.
Could anyone returning (or better still if you're out there now) recently please post update on current sickness situation as due to fly out next Wednesday.
Hi scoobydoo .... johnfarquhar74 has been posting in this topic from resort.
Scoobydoo, new cases of the bug had settled down before we departed yesterday, if you follow all the common sense rules when it comes to hygene, I'm sure you will be OK but if you are unsure, contact FC asap and see if your holiday can be changed.
I will post a review once I get everything sorted, but in short, the HV was great for kids, I couldn't say whether it's worth it, value for money-wise, as we had the money at the time, years gone by I'd have travelled a little more economically and probably still had a great time. This year 2 weeks AI in Rhodes £3500, last year 2 weeks AI in Fuerteventura £1500, there was NOT £2000 of a difference.
RodosRon, your bang-on about FC keeping things quiet, there has been a systematic failure somewhere and errors were not being acknowledged, some of the staff got very defensive, it might have been the 20th time that day they had to deal with an issue but it was the 1st time for the complainant. It's a bad state of affairs when people have to visit hospital to get injections, just so they can fly home that night, personally my health would come first and travel arrangements second.
I emailed Carl who is guest relations out there, he gave me anumber to call back here in the UK, I called and the guy was more interested in giving me the legal teams details, I made it clear that I wasn't interested in being recompensed but wanted to make the FC team aware that the bug is NOT away and action still needs to be taken. Unsure what will happen next!
What injections were people getting John? Antibiotics have no affect on a virus.
Well tomorrow there will be more new arrivals
I requested up to date information with regards the bug???. They tell me everything is fine now. Why will they not learn that this will not go away on its own and people are not just making this up.
Eventually everyone will come down ill because they cannot be cleaning the rooms properly in the change around for new people coming in.
They were not interested in the fact that I could be putting my children in a place that could potentially
make them very ill.
I just don't know what to do now . If we refuse to go where do we stand about our money that we have paid.
It is extremely worring.
beanies48, there is every chance it is now OK and you will have a fab time, but FC are still adamant no new cases were reported as of the start of this week, this is simply not true, I phoned this morning to merely report my case to a domestic FC complaints advisor, he was persistent in getting me through to the legals team, I told them I wasn't interested in compensation, just wanted them to recognise that that the HV is not 100% clear, he then said "OK, thanks for that, we have actually had a few calls from people that have since returned" so I guess this is something the big companies do to maintain a facade of 'all's OK'.
ILLNESS - My son and I had to get hospital treatment to allow us to fly home. On return to HV my son collapsed and had to go back to hospital. We were very fortunate to get home.
It's not always a 24-48 hr bug. I'm still ill, my son was better yesterday. It's NOT an airborne virus. ONLY people in relax and deluxe areas affected.
The water went off on Thursday 15th but that was not the cause of the illness. People who left HV on Wed 14th were ill on their return to UK. I do not consider it was the pool water either. We were in deluxe, I used both deluxe and relax pools. However, an entire family in deluxe were ill and were never in the relax pools.
There were AT LEAST 100 people struck down with the illness.
FC have called me quite a few times. They still "do not know" the source of the illness but have offered me compensation....
I do not seek compensation but do want to know what the cause was. It's the least they could do, to let us know what we were suffering from. It wasn't like your normal gastroenteritis, it was much worse, making both my son and I pass out on numerous occassions.
I would go back to HV Rhodes - but certainly would not travel there just now. If I was due to go there within the next week I'd cancel.
I do not believe that such a document can be produced unless the hotel has been EMPTIED and all necessary action taken to eradicate the virus.
If FC won't allow you to cancel without penalty or change to another hotel, I would then look to your travel insurance and see what they say about it. Let them fight it out with FC. If the insurance company won't cover your cancellation, then it's time to talk to a lawyer. Another alternative would be to contact one of the travel TV programs to see if they want to pick this up. I would imagine anyone just reading this series of posts and those on Facebook, would have no problem seeing what is happening. Unfortunately, there is no official travel Ombudsman in the UK you can turn to.
No individual at FC can simply tell you, 'there is no problem'. Their word isn't good enough. There would be no problem for a lawyer to make a case against them given the number of witnesses/victims to this outbreak.
This is of course simply my personal opinion and does not represent legal advice of any kind. I'm not a lawyer.
Once again, let me say, the hotel should be emptied and no new guests booked in until public health gives an all clear.
FC brought in a hygenist but still hadnt found anything after 3 days. From the latest review on Trip Advisor, it is suggested the outbreak centred around the relax area pool bar, a day or so after the water / drinks machine was reinstated after a machine failure.
You are living in dreamland thinking you can cancel a holiday based on the above comments and claim from a travel insurance policy. From my recent experience of how useless travel insurance can be (refusing to pay out against a legitimate claim for the Ash cloud delays) I would urge anybody considering going down your suggested route, to carefully read the small print of their travel insurance policy!!!!
They have suggested that I go back to First Choice and talk further. I have phoned again today but they are sticking to the original story and all is ok no new cases for days and they have no reason to stop new guests going or move us to another hotel.
Do I pack and go or just walk away from a lot of money, and try to get it back through another route which will probably take months and months.
I am hoping that over the next few days some good reports appear. Is that wishful thinking.
I have saved for 3 years and this is the first holiday abroad for my children so I cannot afford to walk away. I have said to FC that I am happy to spend my money with them but not at HV Rhodes but they are not interested as they just want to cover up the issue. I booked this holiday 11 months ago and I was really looking forward to it but now I am very concerned as to what may happen to my family when we get there.
Any more ideas on how to resolve this problem before wednesday?
customer.services@firstchoice.co.uk and send a copy F.A.O Carl grelations@holidayvillagerodos.com asking them to put in writing the last time someone reported a case of vomiting or diarrohea at the Rhodes Holiday Village as there are reports from people on the H.V who are still being sick yet First Choice deny this is the case.
Tell them you have evidence (from the Facebook H.V group) that there are people still being sick out there NOW and people who have returned home who are still being ill.
Those that want to change, inform them your travel agent will not let you cancel the holiday without losing your money and as they will not transfer you to another suitable holiday village, should you or any of your party become ill during your stay, you will be consulting your solicitor to seek adequate compensation for the ruination of your holiday and putting you at risk by not excersising the duty of care the company have to their customers.
Finally, inform them that should you arrive at the Rhodes H.V and find that First Choice have been economical with the truth regarding the virus/bug, you will be looking to be relocated back to the UK at the earliest convenience and offered a full refund of monies paid plus suitable compensation for putting my party and i at risk.
I have sent a PM to a lady on Facebook who said....
Lorraine Cartercarmichael My 12 year has been in bed all day with a sickness bug have been here 3 days
I've asked her to approach Carl and report it so it is recorded. Remember, if you speak to anyone ask them their name. If they state anything, ask for it in writing, fax or e-mail.
Finally, hopefully all of the above will not be necessary and we will have a wonderful sickness free holiday.
I will send an e-mail (and advise others to do so) to Tell them you have evidence (from the Facebook H.V group) that there are people still being sick out there NOW and people who have returned home who are still being ill.
Those that want to change, inform them your travel agent will not let you cancel the holiday without losing your money and as they will not transfer you to another suitable holiday village, should you or any of your party become ill during your stay, you will be consulting your solicitor to seek adequate compensation for the ruination of your holiday and putting you at risk by not excersising the duty of care the company have to their customers.
Finally, inform them that should you arrive at the Rhodes H.V and find that First Choice have been economical with the truth regarding the virus/bug, you will be looking to be relocated back to the UK at the earliest convenience and offered a full refund of monies paid plus suitable compensation for putting my party and i at risk.
I have sent a PM to a lady on Facebook who said....
Lorraine Cartercarmichael My 12 year has been in bed all day with a sickness bug have been here 3 days
I've asked her to approach Carl and report it so it is recorded. Remember, if you speak to anyone ask them their name. If they state anything, ask for it in writing, fax or e-mail.
Finally, hopefully all of the above will not be necessary and we will have a wonderful sickness free holiday.
I feel for you all, you should be looking forward to your holidays, it is all just awful the way that FC are dealing with this. Fingers crossed to all of you.
I have sent an email 10 minutes ago.
I have sent emails as suggested here and will be interested to see what the response is.
We are due to travel on 14th August so hopefully it will be ok by then!?
If you google "Rhodes Holiday Village illness" you will see responses from lawyers offering to take up any cases for people who return. It appears to be the same company that is representing people over the Turkey First Choice Village sickness bug. I know that they are in it for the money but it tells me that this problem is not going away for First Choice.

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