thank you jenny. like i said i just wasnt sure what it all meant, my heads been spinning since i heard about this strike!!! thanks again.
Spanish newspaper 'El Pais' is reporting that the USCA has decided to give AENA until next Wednesday to resume negotiations on working conditions, if no response from AENA and a meeting is convened, the special committee of the union will declare the strike on Thursday 12th, according to union sources. This timetable means that a possible controllers strike would not affect any flights before 22 August as they have to give at least 10 days notice in advance.

Very infuriating!!
"Every day that passes," he said, "every hour and every minute, creates more uncertainty in a sector such as tourism and the economy affects many citizens who want a holiday."
On the other hand, he said that in the event of a strike called by USCA, the ministry will set minimum service to ensure the mobility of citizens.
He has also warned that the Minister José Blanco will not join them because he "cannot accept blackmail"
Concepción Gutiérrez has asked the controllers not to call a strike and that if any otherwise, to inform of concrete date and the duration of the strike "soon."
"We must end the uncertainty of all Spanish citizens and warrant them to the right to a vacation," has warned.
Also the nonprofit association Exceltur, consisting of more than a dozen Spanish tourist business groups, has expressed its intention to "join the legal action" against the air traffic controllers if persist in its threat to strike.
Where do you get all of your information from Hippyjak?
Just trawl the internet - have a look at the spanish newspapers - the ones I look at are El Mundo, Barcelonareporter, El Pais, UCNA website, Reuters. I just enter specific words in google and see what comes up
The Executive Committee of the Union of Air Traffic Controllers Association (USCA) will not meet until next Thursday, when they could decide whether to call strikes to be held from 22 August.
The USCA communications secretary, Cesar Cape, told the union's decision-making body that they will meet next Thursday, on that day they will decide whether to strike or accept the arbitration proposed by Spanish Airports and Air Navigation (AENA).
If flight controllers decide to submit on the same day their intention to strike, this could not be held until Sunday 22 August.
Yes - I've been doing that and found a few sites. Just gone onto Reuters site and USCA site. It seems to be the only way we can get any news about what is happening - let's hope the union will listen to what the majority of people are saying
Zamit expressed in relation to the statements made by Secretary of State for Transport, in which he asked the group of controllers to state "date and time" of the possible strike and warned that the Minister of Public Works, José Blanco, not going to join them.
"Why still do not want to sit at the table? Why did they leave the table last night?" Zamit wondered, adding that he does not understand what the minister is afraid of "for not opting to receive in your department .
"We are at the negotiating table sat waiting, the spokesman insisted USCA, while the Executive has ensured that they had " launched an ultimatum. "We do not understand why they want to go on strike, when all you want is to negotiate, "he asserted.

That would be nice! All I want to do is get excited about my holiday again!
The Foreign Offic of the United Kingdom, advises British citizens on the impact it would have on flights to Spain a possible strike by air traffic controllers.
Therefore, the section has been updated advice for those traveling to Spain and explains that the talks between the union and Aena drivers continue, warning that the possibility of a strike remains open.
It also indicates that "if it is finally carried out the strike on effect on flights between Spain and the UK would be very important."
Therefore advises the public that they intend to go or return from Spain on that date that are in contact with their airlines or tour operators to get updates on what is happening.
According to the Institute for Tourism Studies of the Ministry of Industry, Tourism and Trade, some 13 million Britons visit Spain every year, placing it as one of the countries most visited by UK citizens
Edited by
2010-08-08 06:56:51
Can't be 15th August - not 10 days
Yes your right Jenny - must have been tired last night and not spotted that mistake!
The Spanish Secretary of State also said that the Promotion and Defense ministries will sign, "probably this week, an agreement which will enable the military to do civilian work in towers in extraordinary cases to ensure the flow of air traffic."
Spain tourism body seeks end to air strike threat
Spain's travel companies association urged air traffic controllers on Saturday to accept a government offer of arbitration to avoid a strike that could wreak economic havoc at the height of the tourist season
Spain's travel companies association urged air traffic controllers on Saturday to accept a government offer of arbitration to avoid a strike that could wreak economic havoc at the height of the tourist season
What happened to Fridays statement that the meeting will be held "urgently"?? !!! Thursday???
That means no strike action till after 22nd August.

Selfishly for me, looks like all this prevarication means that I will actually get to fly out of Lanzarote on 19th August. But I have friends coming out on 29th, and I have a return back to here on 26th, so still on tenterhooks like everyone else

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