Hi, I have recently come back from a trip to the USA & Canada.
22 years ago i was convicted of a non violent technical offence which I duly declared when applying for a US visa, which was granted.
On my first trip to the USA the 'homeland' official asked why i had a visa, i gave a simplified explanation which he was happy with. He still
took my photo and finger prints (even though they were taken during my visa interview at the US Embassy in London). All the other non US
passengers on the flight did the same.
On my second trip to the US this month the 'homeland' official again asked why i had a visa, but wanted more details of the offence. This took
some explaining as it is complicated. She scanned my passport but apparently no info came up on the screen in front of her. Again she took my fingerprints
and photo.
Do they not keep the data from previous visits? Doesn't a visa show you are fully vetted?
My real problem occurred when the tour I was on crossed the border into Canada.
All the passengers on our coach had to get off and go through immigration. On presenting my passport to the Canadian official he wanted to know
what I had done to require a US visa. I gave a quick explanation but this didn't satisfy him so i was led away for a further interview with a very hostile
official. She wanted to know all details of the offence and was annoyed I couldn't remember exact dates etc. from 22 YEARS AGO! I didn't think they were going to let me in.
In the end she said if i ever come to Canada again i must supply FULL details of the conviction.
It appears having a US visa is like having a big arrow over your head saying 'CRIMINAL'.
This rant is really just a warning to fellow travellers that a US visa can be a liability, and ask whether anyone knows if it is possible to have two
passports. One with the visa for America only, and the other for the rest of the world with no hassle.