Cloudy on the south coast! That seems to be unusual for this time of year. Coming to Playa Blanca in 2 weeks time so the weather had better get its act together. Have usually had good sunny weather first couple of weeks in Oct.
It's actually not that uncommon in September and March Marge. It happens when the wind is light and a cool seabreeze meets the Trade. Warm air rises and forms the band of cloud.
Not today though with a sunny hot day for all.
Not lasting with a lot of cloud and some showers around over the next day or so.
We have booked up to go to Puerto Del Carmen at new year and was wondering what the weather is like? It was my mum's 50th last week and she is also coming as this was our present to her. We have been to PDC 2 years ago but it was in June which was warm but we're worried about December/January. We fly out on 30th December and return on 6th January.