We have just come back from Icmeler and this was our 10th time, the first time being in 1995.
I totally agree with Turkish Delight but also agree with a couple of negative comments on other posts.
Firstly, we didn't see anyone spewing up or falling about drunk, and as for 'old love's' , whats wrong with women going on holiday on their own, everyone hasn't got a partner ( thankfully I have) It is so insulting to lump all older women in the same boat, I really take offence at that .
Do people really think Icmeler should just be a family or couples resort? Single women mostly are part of families not from outer space.
Some things which I think are spoiling Icmeler are the endless Michael Jackson/ Tina Turner shows, we avoid those places and head off into the old village where you find some lovely restaurants and gentle background music. Also we didn't see any hassle at all.
The only other negative thing was that I noticed that along the beach road there were empty pop cans bottles etc just left on walls, not put in a bin and I have never seen that before , perhaps this is because of the different clientele coming to Icmeler, I don't know .
That said, we have just booked to return next year and are staying at the Effendi, better start saving up now