I recently booked a holiday through On The Beach, but my wife & I ended up in a different hotel than the one I chose on the website!! This hotel over 110km away from the airport. I also ended up having to pay €220 for Taxis to and from the airport because I was booked into this different hotel, therefore my transfers where wrong.
I Booked a holiday to Crete, flying into Heraklion from Belfast international on 24/08/10
We had booked to stay in Blue Sea Village Resort in Stalis, in a 1 Bedroom Apartment Garden View (A) [CLASSIFIED AS A FOUR STAR RESORT] as shown on the onthebeach.co.uk website (it would not let me post a link here)
Once I had confirmed the booking at On The Beach, I followed the link found on the website to book our transfers with ResortHoppa to this resort in Stalis. I recieved an email for these Transfers as soon as they where confirmed. However, I did not recieve a confirmation email for the the Hotel booking until 3 days after confirming the cost. We had to make 3 phonecalls to onthebeach.co.uk to ensure that our hotel was booked. We where told it can take up to 48 hours. I recieved an email 3 days after confirming the booking with our hotel reciept which shows BLUE SEA VILLAGE RESORT, , has been booked through YouTravel
We arrived in Heraklion on time and boarded our Transfer Bus to Stalis. Once we arrived at THE BLUE SEA VILLAGE RESORT in Stalis we where told that our hotel voucher was actually for BLUE SEA & SKY HOTEL in Lerapetra, booked through youtravel.com.
There is a distinct difference between the name of the resort on the hotel VOUCHER & hotel RECEIPT. If I wanted to book with youtravel.com, I would have visited the youtravel.com website rather than onthebeach.co.uk!! I cannot find an instance of BLUE SEA & SKY HOTEL, Lerapetra on the onthebeach.co.uk website.
We ordered a taxi at 06.30 in the morning from Stalis traveling to Lerapetra costing €100, after taveling from 21.30 the previous night to travel another 1.5 hours - 100km to a hotel that we did not originally book. Once we arrived at 08.20, we discovered that it was 4km from Lerapetra town in a remote location on the coast, it was CLASSIFIED AS A THREE STAR hotel, and we where what seemed like the only guests in the whole resort!
We tried to make the most of our holiday, but we both felt very bitter about being tricked by this whole fiasco. We had to order another taxi from Lerapetra to get our departing flight home costing another €120 due to ResortHoppa messing up our transfer back, even after we had arranged for it to be changed.
All in all, a majority of our spending money was wasted on taxis due to the remote location of the hotel that we did not book!!! I checked reviews for BLUE SEA VILLAGE RESORT on tripadvisor.com and it got glowing reviews. However, when trying to find a review for BLUE SEA & SKY HOTEL, I could only find a review from french visitors who all deemed it to be woeful at best.
I would like to know how onthebeach.co.uk managed to advertise one resort in Stalis and book their customers into a completely different hotel using a different company, and not think to inform them correctly?? EVEN THE HOTEL WAS A DROP IN THE STAR CLASSIFICATION! I will be seeking advice from Citizens Advice and The Trading Standards Authority over this case. Although from reading other complaints, I fear it will we a waste of time.
I have contacted Resorthoppa to try and get some of the monies back for the taxis I had to get in order to get to the hotel after our failings with the transfers. Although I fear that will also be a waste of time.
I have read that OTB have done this kind of deed before when they overbook a resort and send people to a cheaper alternative, but the fact that we were not told it was a different hotel, in a different area and mislead by the fact that the names where similar is preposterous.
Staff from both hotels concerned also informed my wife and I that this was not the first time that people have been misled by this, and leads me to believe that there is some sort of money making scam from either taxi comissons between each resort, or to get more punters into the empty hotel we ended up in.
It would be interesting to hear from an OTB member of staff on this matter. I have emailed forums@onthebeach.co.uk
How did you not realise that your accomodation details were incorrect prior to departure? Sorry if I appear to be just questioning you but I am honestly confused as to how two documents can have different details.
I don't know if the third party thing really matters as I booked through OTB but the booking was with Jumbotours yes I could have booked with Jumbotours themselves but OTB were cheaper, OTB are agents.
On one page only - The hotel voucher, in smaller print that the other documentation it says BLUE SEA & SKY HOTEL, Lerapetra.
I failed to notice this change in the hotel name and location, as every other document states that I have been booked into BLUE SEA VILLAGE RESORT, which is in Stalis - The hotel I expected to be in. As advertised on the website and the hotel I clicked on to book. I booked my Transfers straight after confirming the resort booking to Stalis.
I was not informed that the hotel was in a different area than the one I had picked from the website. The Hotel description and photographs on the OTB website all refer to BLUE SEA VILLAGE RESORT in Stalis. OTB do not list BLUE SEA & SKY HOTEL at all.
Even the receptionist at BLUE SEA VILLAGE RESORT did not notice the change at first. Then he saw the smaller print and told us it was wrong.
I understand that they can use third party companies in order to book hotels, but they should at least be listed on the website if they intend to trick their customers like this.
As far as I am concerned, OTB have most probably overbooked the BLUE SEA VILLAGE and tried to "pull the wool" over my eyes by sending me to a different, cheaper hotel having a similar name without me noticing. But when you travel the stated 30km to your booked resort to be told you have to travel another 100km it kinda makes you notice.
I hope that makes sense.
Staff from both hotels concerned also informed my wife and I that this was not the first time that people have been misled by this, and leads me to believe that there is some sort of money making ???? from either taxi comissons between each resort, or to get more punters into the empty hotel we ended up in.
As far as I am concerned, OTB have most probably overbooked the BLUE SEA VILLAGE and tried to "pull the wool" over my eyes by sending me to a different, cheaper hotel having a similar name without me noticing.
I understand that they can use third party companies in order to book hotels, but they should at least be listed on the website if they intend to trick their customers like this.
Clearly there was a problem with your booking and someone made a mistake somewhere but you have no evidence that OTB consciously tried to trick you or that this is anything more sinister than incompetence rather than an attempt to def r a ud customers. If anybody made the overbooking it was most likely to be youtravel - they are the people who actually made your booking with the hotel. I'm not excusing OTB - they should have doublechecked before forwarding the documentation on to you - but given that both yourself and the hotel you thought you'd booked didn't notice it on first reading the documentation does suggest that it wasn't immediately obvious that there was a problem.
So what to do next? I can find no mention of you contacting OTB by letter since your return - apologies if I've missed that - but in the first instance you need to send them a brief, concise letter by recorded delivery that sticks to the basic facts. No insinuations about their honesty, no sarcasm, no emotional language, no extraneous details but pointing out that you had ended up being booked into the wrong hotel, that the booking confirmations you received did not make this immediately obvious and that as a result you incurred both additional expense as well as not receiving the quality of hotel that you'd expected. Set out clearly all the additional expenses that you incurred and make it clear that you would like to be recompensed for this as well as being refunded for eg the difference in the cost of the hotel you'd paid for (after all you appear to have a receipt for this) and the cost of the hotel you actually stayed in etc. The OTB email address you have sent a message to is very useful for people who want to try and resolve errors etc before they go but if you are wanting to complain and get a result from any TA or TO emailing is never a good way of lodging your complaint.
Also, it is unlikely that Trading Standards or ABTA etc will be willing to get involved until you have given OTB the opportunity to resolve the situation with you. Linked to this, I don't think there is any point in trying to make an issue of their use of 3rd parties for bookings - OTB terms and conditions of business make it very clear that they do use them and that your contract is with the 'principal' and not OTB. OTB are not the only on-line TAs that do this and as you must have clicked that you'd read their T&Cs before you could have proceeded with your booking there's not much that you can do about this aspect of it.
The issue here is the incompetence of OTBs staff who should have noticed the discrepancy and that is what you should concentrate on. Making accusations about anything else is going to be counter-productive. I realise that this mightn't be what you are wanting to hear but, NO, I am not an employee of OTB or for that matter any other travel company. But in my job I do have to deal with complaints from the public and know that sticking to the facts, not getting emotional and above all not making accusations that can't be substantiated does result in staff who have to deal with complaints keeping a more positive attitude towards you. Above all remember, the person who made the mistake and the person you end up dealing with in customer relations are not the same person - an acknowledgement that you know that the person dealing with your complaint is not personally responsible for the problems you have experienced, goes a long way in helping keep them on your side and working for a positive outcome on your behalf with more senior staff.
Somthing just didn't feel right about the situation.
I will take your advice and send a written letter regarding this. I'm a great beliver in benefit of the doubt and will give this case some until I get answers.
Thanks for your input SMa.

I have received an email reply from forums@onthebeach.co.uk stating that they have forwarded my case to customer services. I wonder will I get a reply?
From what I understand, they have 28 days in which to reply to you. Be patient.
Especially when it was substantiated by the word of staff from both hotels that couples have fallen prey to the exact same set of circumstances. I quite vividly remember the Blue Sea & Sky Hotel receptionist claiming that 8 out of 10 UK visitors to their hotel have had the same problem, wether or not he got this number mixed up remains to be seen.
This won't carry much weight with OTB - nor if you try to take this to law - so I wouldn't make a big issue of this is any letter to OTB. I'm afraid it's simply hearsay unless you can get the hotel to agree to provide you with documentary evidence of this. In the circumstances I can't help but wonder why (and any good lawyer instructed by either youtravel or OTB would ask the same) the Blue Sea and Sky hotel continue to deal with them if it really does have so many unhappy customers as a result of accepting bookings from youtravel? They seem to be happy to profit from the confusion and continue to accept UK bookings via them despite then having to deal with a situation whereby 80% of their UK guests thought they were booked into somewhere else! It does also suggest that 80% don't read the T&Cs before confirming an on-line booking and didn't notice the mistake on their documentation either. I know that this does happen, we often encounter on this thread the problems that can arise as a result of someone not reading the T&Cs before confirming their bookings, but a ratio of 4 out 5 people seems extremely high.
I suspect that they were trying to pacify you and re-assure you that it wasn't your fault or theirs either. The 'exact same set of circumstances', however, does seem to include a hotel apparently colluding in profiting from this unfortunate situation and not doing anything about taking more care with the agents it deals with.
I was very interested to read your story. I booked a holiday in July with Hello Holidays, part of Mediland Travel, part of 2CanTravel, part of On the Beach and about 20 other holidays companies. They are all ultimately part of Co-op Holidays. I booked through Teletex holidays. Basically I received e-mail confirmation of my booking for the four star Royal Sun Hotel in Santa Susanna, Costa Brava. A couple of days before departure I received a holiday voucher for The Royal Sun Suites, Santa Susanna. Like you I did not notice this - I assumed the Royal Sun Suites was part of the original hotel. It turns out the Royal Sun Suites is a 3 star holiday up the road! We were dropped off at the correct hotel by the hoppa bus but the hotel advised the voucher was for the other hotel. We were never advised of any change in the accommodation. We went to the other hotel, spoke to Head Office and complained to anyone who would listen. We tried to phone the travel company several times - on the only number we had and they were closed. We therefore sent them a detailed e-mail. When the office opened again on the Monday morning we again tried and tried but got no answer. We made the best of our holiday and I complained on return in writing. I was told that I Had not complained while I was there, which is a total lie. I was offered £200 holiday vouchers, which I have refused. I have since sent several lawyers letter and been offered £165 cash - again unacceptable. They are saying that my booking was always the three star Royal Sun Suites, even though I have the confirmation e-mail. I even have an e-mail the hotel produced from the travel company cancelling our original booking in March - four months before I went. I know they have acted underhandedly as I have heard other accounts like this. The difference in the accommodation only when I look on Teletext holidays for the same time next year is £413. What more can I do?
I booked a holiday in July with Hello Holidays, part of Mediland Travel, part of 2CanTravel, part of On the Beach and about 20 other holidays companies. They are all ultimately part of Co-op Holidays.
How do you know this? I can find nothing to connect OnTheBeach with either Co-op Holidays or Co-operative travel.
You are right - never can I. I was sure it was on the headed notepaper I received from Mediland Travel but I can't check this because all of the correspondence is at work. However, the circumstances would seem to be very similar - I am getting very disgruntled with the whole thing - my holiday was effectively ruined. I am prepared to go to the Small Claims Court because after reading these forums I can see that this thing goes on a lot and they can't all be accidents. In my case I could have been put into at least 20 other hotels, so why one with a very similar name. I have proof that the company cancelled the booking.
As far as I know OTB are nothing to do with either co-op travel or co-operative travel. They trade under
On the Beach, I book holidays, Otbeach.
Medinland are linked to Hello Holidays and 2canTravel.
I have done further investigation. If you put hello holidays into a yahoo search, when you press the link it opens the On the Beach website. It says Hello-Holidays.onthebeach.co.uk.
on the beach
Also trading as: On the Beach, I book holidays, Otbeach
Co-op Holidays
Also trading as:
Albion Holidays
Co-Op Breaks
Co-Op Holidays
Co-op Holidays Direct
Forward Travel Management
Ilkeston Co-Op Travel
Midlands Co-Op Travel
Tomorrows World Travel
Yorks Business Travel Management
Co- Operative Travel Group
Also trading as: 2Can Travel
Distant Vacations
Fiesta Sun
Global Cities
Global Flightline
Global Vacations
Go Travel
Hello Holidays
Journeys Direct
Just Flights
Magic Breaks
Melhart Travel
MFC Travel
MU Travel
Search Travel Online
Sun Choice
Sunshare Vacations
The Cooperative Travel Sports and Events
Travel with Imagination
Travelcare Direct
Travelcare Flights
Travelcare Holidays
Travelcare Sports & Special Events
Vacation Florida
Vacation OZ
Vacation USA
Yellow Sun Holidays
Your Cheapest Travel
109-111 Old Church Road
E4 6ST
at the same address
Journeys Direct
Old Church Road
E4 6ST
on the beach & on the beach travel
On The Beach Limited
Spectrum House
Towers Business Park
Wilmslow Road
M20 2SE
OTB have an abta number K0813 which dosn't have any other trading names listead to it... there is not an abta number listead for Hello Holidays
so i rightly or wrongly conclude the companies are not connected
OTB are not ATOL protected so cannot be linked to Hello or 2canTravel, both are which are covered by the Co-operative Group Ltd's ATOL.
You need to check both ABTA & ATOL nowadays for holiday groups. I've done both in my post above Wizards.
I'm sorry if I got it wrong and the two companies are not connected. What do you think my chances are of success if I pursue a claim against Mediland Travel. I received a letter from them on Friday advising they will only give me an ex gratia payment of £165 because my original booking was always The Royal Sun Suites - this is not true - the original booking was the Royal Sun Hotel. A further letter has been sent to them with a copy of the original receipt. My problem is the hotel reservation voucher showed The Royal Sun Suites. We honestly thought this was part of the same hotel. I had never even heard of The Royal Sun Suites.

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