Not a complaint as such, but I need to know whether we are within our rights to request a refund of the money we paid for extra legroom.
We were on the flight TCX608L flying from Hurghada to Manchester on Friday 17th December. We had already purchased extra legroom seats on the outward bound flights with no problem but were told at time of booking that there were no legroom seats available on inbound. By pure spec when checking in, Rob asked and was told there were a few left to purchase at £30 each. We did this and were allocated 13 C & D.
This was where the trouble started. Throughout the flight, we were used as a shortcut too get to the toilets..a constant stream of people cutting through, kicking you, stepping over you..and the vast majority didn't even have the courtesy to apologise or say excuse me. People also decided to use our extra legroom bit as a place to stand whilst queuing for the toilets..including the delights of a man vomitting into a plastic carrier bag...not once but several times throughout the flight. The toilets were eventually closed by cabin crew as they became unfit for use..but people actually ignored this and still continued to use them and step over us, kick us and generally barge into us. Some people even glared at us as if it was our fault they had kicked us.
We couldn't sleep, relax or even eat our meal in peace. Why pay extra legroom if you are not going to get it?
The flight was due to land at manchester at 10pm, but literally as we were on our way down, they shut the airport and diverted us to Birmingham..but that is a different story and i am not going to complain about that, it is no-ones fault it was snowing.
We did mention our plight to the cabin crew, 2 of which could not be more helpful..and another who was ruder than the passengers who also seemed to use it as a short cut when ever she possibly could...without so much as a glance in our direction or even a word of courtesy.
Now of course I dont expect everything to run totally smoothly on a flight..but I do expect to be allowed to fly in peace..especially since we paid £60 for the privelige of extra room which not only was denied to us at every oppoprtunity but we had additional hassle as well.
I do have details for Thomas Cook to email them..but in reality, do I have any hope of getting any money back?
Worth trying with a nice letter to the airline and see what happens. They may be in festive spirits and refund.

The crew had much sympathy with us as it was a particularly difficult flight for a variety of reasons.
I will send a letter off and see where we get...
On Thomas Cook flights that I have been on the crew have always done pas informing other passengers that you have paid for extra legroom with these seats so they are not permitted to walk through, and instruct passengers sat on the left to use the toilets on the left and vice versa. Its clear this pa wasn't done so yes I would write into Thomas Cook to demand my money back!! The crew may have been sympathetic but they didn't do anything to sort the situation out. Include this in the letter as well.
letter - not e-mail as you first suggested! Send it recorded to get proof of delivery. You've basically paid for a service that was not fit for purpose, partly due to the aircraft layout and partly due to the lack of control by the crew - both TCs responsiblity. It seems this is a previously documented problem so TC should have been aware.
And the important word used throughout those replies was 
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