My Wife has decided to get away from it all for Xmas and new year, and me being my usual self was on the ball straight away.
Already booked our villa, found it on Ebay, messaged quite a few owners to see that a lot were already booked out for this period, but found a real nice place for £600 for the fortnight so we just took the plunge, and tbh for the time of year I don't think we could have got the same deal much cheaper.
I guess I should get round to the main reason for this post :D, how long do I have to wait for the airlines to have there prices available for our trip, most search engines are only showing flights up to Dec 2010 but we are hoping to leave on Dec 21st 2010 and fly home on Jan 4th 2011 so I'm not getting any quotes, I know it's early days but we have to save hard for this trip and I would love to know roughly what we are looking at.
hoping to fly from Edinburgh direct, any suggestions on sites I could try
This will probably be the first of many questions that the seasoned professionals will have to help me with
