You wanna visit the primarni in manchester city centre..my local..clothes shrewn all over the place, packed to the rafters espcially on a saturday, queues a mile long..plus to be honest I think its gone down hill, alot of tat for not so bargain prices anymore..matalan / h&m much better even tescos range is better...and made better too..Id rather buy a piece from h&m which is not only fashionable but is really cheap, and quality of the garments are well made..the jeans for example they do skinny jeans really gorgous for 9.99. and they are like topshops jeans at a fraction of the price..unlike primarks jeans that fall to bits after 3 wks...for 8 quid..

Lily. x
I just buy swimwear, underwear, flip flops and cheap holiday things. I do get a few tshirts for work aswell though.
I think Asda (george) have some really good bargain holiday clothes as do H&M.
My nearest big primarni is in blackpool, about 50 mins away for us and i'm planning a trip next sunday, anything worth having at the mo ? looking for vest tops , a bit of retro summer frocks, flip flops , maxi frocks , any thing flowery top wise ? or should I just head half an hour down the road and just go to matalan ? any suggestions would be really welcome, ooh, and flowery wedge sandals !
went in again yesterday got my partner some shorts and loads of plain tshirts reduced to 1.90 Monday we went to Next and spent £25 on shorts for him these ones were a fiver however I have to cut tags off cos he does't like Primark haha. I must say some of the shoes were dear for Primani £12 to£15 I would sooner go to New Look and pay that.
Hope ur keeping well.
I think it might be worth popping into primark they do have some odd bits not sure about sandals or shoes...Ive avoided it recently went it 2 weeks ago..quick look then walked straight back out..there prices are not so bargain cheap anymore, for example I bought areally nice top a racer zip in h&m for 7.99, and in primark they had tops in but they were 2-3 quid more..and the quality was no where near h&ms stuff,,id try george they do have some great pieces in at the mo,..i got one of there limited edition barbara hulenki tunic tops..really designer piece for cheap it cost 12 quid..and its made by the designer for asda..or matalan has some cute pieces in..i would try both stores to compare..but make sure you get to primarni early..cos its a pain when its hammered..

Agreed..its really shot up in price hasnt it..and to be honest the shoes are much better in new look,trouble with primark everyone and there dog wears it,. i just wouldnt pay there prices anymore thats why i love h&m, new look, etc..

I used to venture in when I was doing my holiday shopping but even though it's cheap half of what I bought never got worn.
I seem to lurch from buying loads cheap to singing the praises of spending a bit more and needing less.
At the moment I'm on a spend a bit more and shop at Boden phase.
If it's not even cheap anymore I won't even bother going in .
You would think with a store as big as Primark that they would have a decent website so you can have a nose through before you go. As it is they do have one but it is as much use as a chocolate teapot, no clothes to look at and its mainly about jobs. Oh well i will be in Primark in a few weeks looking for some bargins.
good luck alsbaby. Maybe have a vino before you go
Kazza - You sound a shoppaholic like me.

It doesn't help working in the town centre every lunch i have to go shopping

Quess where i am going this morning ..............Primark will be outside before it opens get what i want and straight back to work
Someone wrote on here that the sizes are not true, Does that mean they are smaller than they say For instance a 12 is more like a 10.
If only that was the case but they are not even that consistent in my experience! I never particularly shopped but I did buy some linen trousers there one year but what a hassle - took 3 pairs, all the same style and labelled with the same size but different colours into the changing room with me and thank heavens I did try them all on because 2 pairs fitted and one pair was clearly a good size smaller! Mentioned it to friends who all remarked on having the same experience at different times.
I can't be bothered with that sort of hassle - it irritates me when I have to get dressed again and go and look for another pair or whatever. They never have enough staff who can go and get them for you. At least with, for example, Monsoon or Wallis, I know that I should always go a size smaller than in M&S or H&M etc or vice versa and that I'll always take the same size in anything I buy in that particular shop. I don't really mind what the size label says on it as long as I can rely on the sizing being consistent between garments in the same shop but I don't think that you can do that in Primark. I now know why people take such armfuls of clothes to the changing rooms with then - they just want to be sure that they have a good selection so that they can be sure of buying the right size!
I only ever go into Primark early too, at least everything is on hangers then
Hi SMa i have just relised that i bought two bra's from primark and the back size was extremely small. Couldnt be bothered taking them back as they were only cheap so i just bought them little extender thingies. So its not just be the clothes, its the underwear too. After losing weight and finally getting into a size 12 after yrs of constant trying i think i might have to give primark a miss as i will be suicidal if i go up a size or even 2
I LOVE Primark now the new one has been built in Bristol. It's huge, a whole 4 floors! I could spend all day in there. My daughter suffers with anxiety and panic attacks though so it's very hard to go with her. I love holiday shopping in there for the cheapy £1 / £2 vests which the girls wear around the pool then chuck away after. I agree on the sizes they're not very good at all and i've found that most PJs from Primark break or shrink, can't complain too much for the price though. Will post on here if I see any good offers in Primark today

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