just back from lloret and all the bars that were open appear to be taking the ban very seriously.
the penalties to bar owners can be quite severe, so they are implementing it rigorously.
however, as you would expect, this has/is leading to a number of smokers standing in the street outside bars.
in the robin hood/roxys you can smoke on the front terrace of roxys, but there were a lot of people outside the robin hood who had come out for a ciggie. there seemed to be more chat going on outside than inside some times.
this will create a problem in the summer, not just for the robin hood but all bars, when there are more people in the resort and so more people outside smoking. there will be an increase in the noise nuisance caused to the neighbours of all bars that are open in the early hours of the morning, and it will be very interesting to see how that is handled by the authorities.
still, on a plus note for smokers, you can still smoke at gerona airport in the outside areas after security, so you get can the last puff just before boarding.