The new Spanish smoking ban has now come into effect.
It will now be illegal to smoke in all bars and restaurants, near hospitals and in school playgrounds.
Previous legislation left it to the owner of the bar / restaurant whether to allow smoking or not. The new legislation changes this.
the new law has merely tightened up existing legislation and brings spain into line with most of europe in its efforts to reduce tobacco addiction. nowadays only 30% of the population smoke, though it's not that long ago when it would have been easy to believe that smoking was obligatory in spain.
I will probably get some stick from smokers, but I am glad about this. Its nice to be able to go out,and come back not smelling of people's tobacco, or getting smoke in my lungs when I am on holiday.
Magic, glad they have got there at last. I love Spain and having a drink on holiday this will make it alot nicer.
would this mean that I would not be able to smoke in my bedroom or balcony in this hotel this year
Or perhaps would the hotel have some rooms for and some rooms not..............perhaps contact with travel agent might be an idea, there again lol.............
( off topic )we have people in charge of water services here in N ireland, and they havent a clue

and what about outdoor restaurant seating areas.......
on BBC! and Sky news at 7pm, it was mentioned that it was to be public areas, so that may please me in my question above
You can smoke outside on restaurants terraces, But you are not allowed to smoke outside schools and hospitals entrances! today in one of the bars i go to quite a bit a couple of people were smoking in the restaurant one lit up again when asked not to!!!!!!! Ashtrays were on the tables when we went in and when i asked is smoking allowed they said NO then removed ashtrays!
my understanding is that hotels MAY allow 30% of rooms as smoking rooms, but are not obliged to. if the hotel decides that they want to be completely smoke free, then that is their prerogative. smoking on balconies may then be illegal.
i also understand that bars etc are not allowed to create a smoking area, like the bus shelter type things used by some UK employers or even a specific area in the hotel grounds, so it looks like you may have to stand in the street for your ciggie.
it is also not clear whether smoking will be allowed on a patio area; my understanding is that this is not allowed unless the patio is completely separate from the rest of the bar/restaurant, which is not normally the case.
so, until people have been over to spain and report what is happening in certain areas and hotels, the picture will be a bit unclear.
i cannot see the spanish people just rolling over and accepting this measure, so there may yet be compromises and some clarification of just where you can or can't smoke.
all i can realistically see is that more bars/restaurants will close as their takings reduce -just look at the effect on UK pubs for proof.
there will be less choice for tourists as to where to go on their night out, and so the said tourists will not return. this is already being seen in a lot of resorts due to the increase in the number of AI hotels.
the costa brava last year was a shadow of the place it was just 5 years ago.
if there are reduced numbers of tourists then more bars will close and all you will have left are some AI hotels, as the number of tourists who would book SC or BB, even HB,would have little choice of where to go of an evening for a meal or a drink.
so, while it may be great for some non smokers the long term effect on tourism is not very bright.
i do hope that some compromise solution can be found where the law is not quite so draconian as it appears to be now.
There are bigger and far more important issued that must be addressed:-
Do you agree with dictatorship?
Do you think that the state should be able to dictate to private Companies and individuals on how their businesses should be run? Should they be able to tell bar, hotel, restaurant and shop owners how to run their businesses (whilst, of course, taxing them mercilessly)?
Do you think that the state should be able to dictate the lifestyle for millions of tax paying individuals?
Wars have been fought, are presently being fought and will be fought in the future to end dictatorships. Should we give up our own and the freedom of others so easily?
Do you agree with discrimination?
Smokers are the ONLY group that the state allows, even encourages, to be discriminated against.
Employers can refuse to employ a smoker; smokers are barred from adopting children in some countries, etc.
Do you think that the state is best placed to look after the health of the population?
No lives have ever been saved by smoking bans, nor will any life ever be. Everyone has to die sometime, so the absolute best that can be achieved is a longer life, and it will always remain impossible to determine whether a smoking ban has worked or not.
There are far more effective ways to live longer and healthier. Exercise is one of them, but how many of us would be happy if the state enforced an exercise regime on us all?
Yearly free medicals for everyone over 40 would help, but this would cost money that governments are reluctant to spend.
Personally, I did not vote for my government to look after my health for me, and I have no confidence in their abilities to look after the health of others.
I do not believe in dictatorships, neither do I believe in discrimination or state interference in legal activities. Therefore, I cannot support any smoking ban.
History shows that unjust laws do not last. In a democracy the people always have the last word. The unfair law in Spain will be reversed as it will be elsewhere; there can be no doubt about that.
Responding to all the inaccurate statements in your rant above will probably only result in this thread being locked so let's keep the discussion to informative, factual comments how the law is actually being interpreted and implemented. This will enable both smokers who want to be able to know whether and where they might be able to smoke as well as non-smokers who prefer to socialise in a smoke-free atmosphere to decide for themselves on where they want to go.
Oh dear, all we need is a soap box now. Didn't think we would get a lecture just because we commented on not being polluted with someone else's smoke from a cancer stick, and having to put up with inhaling the dirty smoke from it.
Just wanted to say how happy I was to have a cleaner environment within bars and restaurants and if a person wants to have a cigarette they nip outside or go to a designated area for 10 minutes .
I do feel that Espanol's post does not belong on this site, it's a political rant and nothing at all to do with HT. I fully expect the mods to delete his post.
of extra " possible no no " a little diff to swallow...............
either way holiday booked, in one of my regular hotels in spain, and i certainly will be posting my findings on my return .
well said Judith, it does spoil things when it begins to be political, instead of a friendly discussion.


I am I afraid one of those annoying ex smokers, I gave up 15 years ago and very glad of it. I am not as tolerant as I should be I guess to smokers, I detest the smell of smoke around me even though I was a heavy smoker myself. I can sympathise with the smokers of course, but to those that don't it will be a relief in the bars especially not to have a fog of smoke and eyes smarting.
Im one of the smokers that will welcome the ban. I have no problem with going outside for a cigarette and there is nothing worse than going into a hotel room that stinks of stale smoke. At home I smoke outside (even in the snow!) We dont really go into bars on holiday usually just restaurants where we do sit outside and if we are inside, will wait to smoke. My big problem will be if they ban it from balconies as this is where we spend a lot of time especially on an evening with a couple of drinks.
srhjnmgn wrote:Im one of the smokers that will welcome the ban. I have no problem with going outside for a cigarette and there is nothing worse than going into a hotel room that stinks of stale smoke. At home I smoke outside (even in the snow!) We dont really go into bars on holiday usually just restaurants where we do sit outside and if we are inside, will wait to smoke. My big problem will be if they ban it from balconies as this is where we spend a lot of time especially on an evening with a couple of drinks.
I welcome the bans and this from a smoker!
My son has to do the same Sarah as he smokes too - but he doesn't complain

But that does not seem important.
So, for holidaymakers that don't want to be ‘polluted by filthy smoke', stick to the main tourist areas. I can guarantee that you will be able to find seats inside bars, and restaurant reservations should hardly ever be necessary. Hotels will be offering discounts too, and at least it will not be too crowded.
If you still want to be able to smoke, go inland to the small towns and villages which have only one or two bars and only one policeman (who you will probably find in the bar, smoking).

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