Glad to hear you are getting your vaccinations also make sure that your Tetanus vaccination is up to date, there should be no side effects other than perhaps a sore arm.
Remember to keep hydrated, if you are sweating just drinking (bottled) water is not enough, you have to drink fluids that replace your electrolytes, drink some Isotonic sport drinks, something like Gatorade, Powerade, Lucozade Sport, you can even buy powder in some supermarkets in the UK to add to bottles of water.
Re tipping you can exchange money in the airport to Egyptian LE so there is no need to tip in pounds coins.
Yes as a last resort you could tip the staff in £, however banks don't accept £ coins and that then means that the person you tipped will then have to come back around asking tourists to exchange the £ back again in to LE (Egyptian pounds), it is definitely not the best way to tip (plenty info already in the Money Q&A topic regarding tipping in LE only), a better solution would be to exchange your £ at one of the banks in the the airport (where you purchase your visa) when you arrive in Egypt, you will get a better rate when exchanging in Egypt as compared to exchanging here in the UK.
Give roughly 10 -20 LE which is approx £1 or £2 to porters on arrival & room cleaner every couple of days, you can do the same for bar staff or give them 1 or 2 LE (10p / 20p) every couple of rounds, and the same for the pool attendant. We have a great Currency Cheat Sheet you can print off, you can find it in our
Holiday Tools section at the top of the page.
If you are not going to leave the Sinai Peninsula and go to places like Luxor or Cairo remember you DO NOT have to buy a Tourist Visa, just write 'Sinai Only' on your Landing Card that will be given to you on the plane, more info in the
Visa Topic
Transfers Shouldn't take more than 25 -30 minutes depending on how many drop off's there are

that is unless you are waiting on a plane coming in with the reps mother, in which case you will be on the bus for 2 hours which is what happened to us the last time
You can also help avoid stomach upsets by careful use of your rooms Air Conditioning, if you have the room very cold when you come in warm this can cause problems with your body and cause stomach cramps, back pain and Diarrhea, try and acclimatise yourself (cool down) before going in to your room, sit in the shade or lobby for a short period before going to your room and then only use the Air Conditioning to keep you cool.
If you do get a minor case of the runs you can by Antinal cheaply from the hotel shop or it will be cheaper still if you buy it from a chemist.
Regarding the hotel I know that there has been building work going on and there are new / refurbished room which are very nice.
When you return perhaps you could add a review of the hotel for us and if you could take some pictures of it and add them to the Media Gallery (link at top of page) that would be great.
Most importantly........Have a great time and enjoy