I`m not sure where to put this question, please can it be moved if necessary.
I know this is maybe a daft question to some but we are looking at British Airways (operated by American Airlines), Continental which I think is United Airlines, KLM to Amsterdam then Delta to New York. They all seem to be different type planes 777, 757, (752 for continental).. what we are wondering is would anyone happen to know if all their flights to New York have seat back TV`s as its a long way to look at the back of the seat in front.
Also do all these airlines `feed` you (or do you have to take or buy meals onboard)
I am now loosing the will to live as we have looked t so many flights.
Most expensive is British airways (operated by American Airlines ) Direct
Contintental / United but this goes into Newark and not JFK would we be daft to do this
Or cheapest by a fair bit.. KLM to Amsterdam - then Delta to JFK and back
We want to go on 23rd of this month and panic is now starting to set in. Please can anyone help don`t want cheapest flight if we are going to be bored or the airline is rubbish..
Thanks xx
That's not an easy one to answer as you're looking at too many airlines and too many different flights to comment on all of them. It'll take me an hour to grab all that details and even then, it depends on dates and times of the day and the particular connections you're looking at.
AA from MAN on the 752 has mainscrean.
Continental (United, they've recently merged) on the 752 is seat back (AVOD).
IFE details are all on the airlines websites. If you post the flight numbers / connections you're looking at, I'll get more details for you.
We have decided on the Continental / United one (should it still be available) CO0021 out and CO0020 back out 23rd Aug and back 31st. Manchester to Newark (I think the same fights are United as UA0101 UA0020 but I have so many bits of paper its scary.
I couldn`t find any details about the 752 - nor could I see anyting on either site about seatback tv`s thought they were all in the middle of the plane which I don`t want with a `14 year old.
Is this enough info?
Thank you
Continental operate a double daily between Newark and MAN on the Boeing 757-200. Continental and United merged last year which is why you have flight numbers for both, but strictly speaking, it's still Continental you're flying with. Onboard amenities are here. The 752's now have seatback IFE (AVOD). More details are on our Continental Airlines topic.
Just need to find the best price now for those flights. Can I just ask when you say double daily does that mean 2 flights at the same time? if so would the Continental be the best ones or does the United have all the same seatback tv`s etc...sorry think I need more wine! I`m confusing myself again.
Double daily just means they operate two flights per day between Newark and MAN, the CO100/1 and CO020/1. There's only a couple of hours between them. Years ago, they used to operate a single Boeing 777-200 but that was split to 757's as they deployed the 777 on a different route. Regardless of booking with Continental or United, you'll be on the same flight as they are, in effect, the same airline under the merger.
Don`t suppose you have flown into Newark for a New York stay have you? I did want JFK but direct are so much more expensive, from what I`ve read its only about $20 more thant from JFK to get into Manhatten.
I've never flown in to Newark or JFK, no. I've flown over the top though and got some great views! The airspace is really congested.
Thanks, suppose if its too congested we might have to sit in the plane looking down at the airport for 8 days!
I would prefer flying into Newark over JFK any day.
Great, thanks...off to book now.
Have just booked Man / NYork Continental flying on 23rd Aug - can`t beleive it, we have never been last minute before. Got better price with Expedia than it was quoting last night..
Wonder if you can assits again!
We have been allocated row 38 on Continental flight 101 on 23rd Aug - they are really near the back! would you know if you do online check-in other seats may be released or do Continental allocate seats with every booking?
Also they have rows 8-14 which are for One Pass Elite, if these are not taken is there a possiblity they could be released.
I know we are lucky to have got flights at such sort notice..but don`t want to sit at the back.
Thanks Helen
SP seats coming home are fine!
Newark is closer to downtown Manhattan than JFK though Taxis from Newark are approx. $5 more. I flew into JFK a couple of years ago and out of Newark and must say I prefer Newark, though unless it's changed don't expect lots of shops and many other facilities on departure. It's quite easy to catch the train into Manhattan if you don't want to use taxis.
Did you get a taxi to Newark, just wondering about pre-booking a transfer? the hotel have quoted us $105 collection and $85 return which I think is a bit pricey.
Hoping Darren can help with the flight info.
Your hotel would most likely order a car from a private taxi firm as they don't normally use the normal taxis and from what I read are always quite pricey.
I think the price of $105 sounds a bit high, but I don't know where you are staying in NY. The Taxi fare to lower Manhattan (plus tolls and tip) is I think $50 but can be $20 more for uptown addresses. The return trip price you have been quoted is still more than the taxi fare would be but the drivers are really good about knowing where the jams are and your hotel reception will tell them what time your plane leaves and they know exactly how long it's going to take, whereas if you hail a taxi from the street you may have left it too late to get to the airport without getting worried you are going to make it.
I had planned to return to Newark by train from Penn Station, but when I got back to the hotel to pick up my case I got into conversation with another English woman who was waiting for her friends to return, she told me they were also going to Newark and she invited me to join them in the car they had ordered. It turned out to be some huge luxurious SUV type vehicle and we travelled to the airport in style. Of course I paid my share and I think the car cost about $80.
You might like to get a normal taxi from the airport but use the hotel arranged car for the return journey. Just make sure you get an official cab though as there are lots of rogue drivers about. I found the staff at both airports extremely helpfull and they pointed me in the right direction a couple of times and one explained the different train tickets to me when I was at JFK.

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