I am holidaying for a week in NYC in late August with my mum, aged 60, and my brother aged 29 (I'm 32). I've been once before but neither of them have. It's a combined 'big' birthdays/passing of doctorate celebration type holiday.
While it's quite easy to think of things to entertain my mum (most of the typical 'tourist-y' things, Broadway show, trip to Central Park, shopping, Statue/ferry, etc etc), most of these will only mildly engage my brother. He certainly won't want to trail round the city after us shopping/sightseeing for days on end, without something for him too! But, also don't want to pack him off on his own - would like to find things to do together.
I was thinking of maybe going to see a baseball game with him, as he likes his sports; it's a shame it's the basketball & ice-hockey off-seasons. Although am a bit nervous of travelling to, say, the Yankees stadium on the subway as it's a bit of a distance for a pair of subway novices.
He's also really into his rock/metal music (loves Meat Loaf, also Aerosmith, Metallica, GnR... all those loud shouty types), so I thought one night we could go to a rock club, or a bar with a rock night. It's tricky finding them via an internet search though, and knowing if they're any good! Does anyone have any recommendations?? Or any other ideas of what might be entertaining for a 29yo into sports, computer games and rock music?
Thanks in advance, kind people