A quick check on the net does not show anything recent complaining - report in 2008 about rooms 101 to 104 which are ground floor is all I could find. Can you give us more details please.
Some people on other sites claim to have paid extra for high rooms, only to have been given LGF rooms...

Most revues are good, because most of the rooms are good! That is why we went again this year. However, room 104 and I think one other, is like a store room, below ground level, no view, very shabby furniture, smells of damp, rotten wood surrounds, very poor cooking facilities, and if you look at reviews posted by others on Trip Advisor and even Thomsons themselves, people who stayed there mention other horrors such as sewage problems, noise and the insecure position of the room. We, as I said did not stay, nor even unpack as the room was so revolting. And neither would we pay another 500 euros to move to another resort.
So what exactly happened when you got there? I presume you were allocated room 104 and went to look at it and unpack? What happened then, did you go back to reception immediately and ask for a different room? Also, did you fill in a complaint form with the rep? I think we need a bit more info on what happened leading up to your decision to move hotels, before we can properly advise you.
On return we wrote to Thomson, with receipts etc and copy of form. Waited more than 30 days for reply which very briefly said that because it was our decision to move, no compensation would be given. Now so angry that it is now not the money but the principle that Thomsons can get away with selling these absolutely no star rooms as 3 star accommodation.
Edited by
Glynis HT Admin
2011-10-28 17:33:53
Edit to remove reps name
I think you should have left it to the rep to find you alternative accommodation. Only if they didn't have any should you then have found your own. You must give the TO the opportunity to put things right in resort first, so I believe.
The rep told us there was no alternative accommodation in the resort. He offered alternative accommodation in another resort for the young and lively at a cost of 500 Euros. I thought I explained this. We said no. He said the alternative was for us to find our own accommodation in Kalamaki and recoup the expense at the end of the holiday.
sheelagheherd wrote:He said the alternative was for us to find our own accommodation in Kalamaki and recoup the expense at the end of the holiday.
Then by rights Thomson's should refund the accommodation cost. Did you explain in your complaint letter to Thomson's exactly the sequence of events, including what their rep told you to do?
Sorry, I can't see them paying up despite them being in the wrong with regards to selling this room as a 3 star. Don't really know what to advise you.
It sounds like the rep was trying to fob you off. Unless you have something in writing from him telling you that is what you should do and he had had it authorised, I really don't think that is going to stand up.
We have nothing in writing form rep to say he said this to us. We had already wasted more than a day of a week's holiday. As we refused to stay in Room 104, and didn't want to move resorts at cost of 500 euros, we had little alternative than to do what we did.
P.S. Latest update. Wrote to managing director, including copy of previous letter etc., one week later got phone call from his secretary, who responded to my every point with a pre written answer which did not address the issues. Like a brick wall. Her argument was that people have too high and unrealistic expectations of their holiday accommodation. In my case, I had been at Ionian Blue previously, so had very realistic expectations of what the holiday should have been like. Will never book with Thomsons again.
I just read this and had to let people know that these rooms are still on sale. We travelled with Thomson and were allocated room A2, which is under the stairs, next to the cleaning cupboard. It was so dark that we could not read even with the light on. We asked Jason in reception for a move and spoke to the rep but were told that there was no other room available. Other new arrivals at reception were unhappy with their dark rooms too. Having had a terrible time with illness and family illness we did not have the energy for a fight with either the hotel or Thomson. My email to Thomson was never acknowledged or responded to so they are clearly not bothered. There are many better hotels in Kalamaki that don't have dungeon rooms.

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