I think I may have a problem!
I'm booking flights this week for a Holiday to America next year, I've spent the last few weeks waiting to find out if my OH can definitely get the time off, and I spent that time checking different airlines, making sure that it's a good airline to fly with, checking all different times of flights and comparing prices. I started to look at hotels too. That was before we'd even confirmed that we were going!
It got confirmed yesterday and since then I've planned the route, found out how to get from a to b, looked at the times we'd get everywhere and when we'd be leaving to make sure we'd have enough time.
I think he likes the fact that he can sit back and just turn up (and hand me the credit card when necessary!) but I also think I drive him insane! I don't think that right now he cares what time our train will get to Niagara falls!
Please tell me I'm not the only one with holiday ocd?! I want to make sure that its the best holiday possible, but I think I may have issues!
Please tell me I'm not the only one with holiday ocd?! I want to make sure that its the best holiday possible, but I think I may have issues!
Hi Rachel, I'm exactly the same as you. Not everybody's the same as some like to take charge and ensure that as much as possible goes to plan whilst others like your OH and mine probably know that we will make a good job of it and leave us to it. I don't think you have issues at all

Good luck with the planning, just don't stress out too much about it and have a great holiday.
We're not actually going till may so I'm sure I'll calm down soon, then go crazy the month before we go.
I'll probably be on here getting excited a lot so that he doesn't kill me before we've even set off! :-)
Another obsessive here. I read brochures while I'm having my breakfast and scour the web for ideas whenever possible. I just wish I had more time and money to go away!

I can now rest for a little while, as I think I have all the travel arrangements in place. I don't leave till the middle of January, but I have been completely consumed by this holiday since I booked at the beginning of August

Oh my, I am exactly the same as madsue, it takes me about 5 minutes to get to the bottom of my bookmarks on the internet because it's just full with holiday info! I even think about where I'm going to go / what I'm going to do on certain days!!!! I have list OCD, I write lists for EVERYTHING and ANYTHING. Good job I brought a notebook just to doodle about going on holiday
This sort of planing falls into 2 categories, the journey to/between hotels and what to do when you're there. I always check I can still get there even if the flight is late, and what the options are. I've had some tight connections that have saved a lot of time because I was ready to run and not stood around looking for timetables.
When I'm there I'll have a prepared list of viable options for excursions depending on what the weather is. Then I don't waste time looking around tourist offices, assuming you can find one. And most importantly, I also know where the best beer is before I leave home! This year I met up with an old friend who by coincedence was in the neighbouring area to me, he'd done no real planning and seemed to have just wandered around trying to work out what he could do. We met for lunch on a wet day, he was soaked, I was dry - now that does take some planning!
But let's go back to your plans. You mention America and trains. Does that mean you intend to use Amtrak? One thing you should always look at when planning an Amtrak journey is the chances of it getting there on time! On their website click the "Routes" tab across the top of the screen and then click "Historical On-Time Performance" in the lower left side - some of the results are horrendous. The NY- Niagara route overall is currently getting just over 80% on time which isn't far off British standards but "Maple Leaf" direct trains to/from Toronto aren't as reliable, especially southbound. Don't forget they have a checkin time and watch for the note in the timetable that says the train may leave earlier than shown at some stations.

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