This may be a stupid question.
I have a partable digital radio. I would like to take it to France in the Summer. Will it work on the continent. I have a vague memory af being told that the Europeans have adopted a different system to the UK for digital radio and that those set up for the UK won't work over there.
Really I use my Blackberry and get radio from the web so I still get Skyrock etc back home
Don't actually own a digital radio as we sue the computers or phones
Will have to investigate
I seem to recall that a couple of years back when it was mooted that as well as TV that the UK would be switching to total digtal radio. It would mean that all car radios (currently am/fm) would only be able to pick up a small number of channels and that car drivers would have to either have a new radio fitted or go without! At the same time it was said that even if thay had a digital radio fitted it would not work when they took the car abroad because on the Continent they were adopting a leter (better) version of digital radio and that our already obsolete version would not work. However i can't recall where I heard this nor can I find a reference.
Just had a quick google and apparently in the UK we use a DAB system whereas Europe uses a DAB+ system which is incompatible with UK digital radios. You can buy radios that will work on both however I can't recall ever seeing one in the shops I frequent!
My personal DAB has the option to tune for UK or Europe, so you might find some radios have that functionality
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