Have a go at this. Just click on the red link supplied after clicking on the link below. No cheating remember- I only managed an IQ of 80
I need to swot up on some of my countries. I had absolutely no idea where 2 of the countries were. http://forums.moneysavingexpert.com/showthread.php?p=52293461#post52293461
I did as bad as you and got 83, computer said I paid attention in geography though. I'd have been better without the time limit as I rushed a few of them clicking Spain for paris! lol
first I got 53 ...then I got 83.... would have done better if Id looked at a map first.....was taught a very valuable lesson when I was at school...by a very wise teacher....you wont know everything...you cant be taught everything....you wont remember everything....and the most valuable thing I can teach you is how to find things out....then you can know all you need to know and all you want to know.....and its been worth its wieght in gold....I dont have to be an expert on travel...I just need to log on here....
Not even going to attempt it - no idea where countries are on a map, I'm ashamed to say - great though on teling you in which countires place/resorts are