The good people behind television documentary One Born Every Minute are filming a new holiday series now and want you to take part. To find out more and learn how to apply, visit the blog here.
They focus on a specific part of town where these youngsters congregate around a hub of bars and film when these youngsters are 'wasted' on cheap alcohol.
They are only interested in young people who act outrageously to shock a TV audience, and the more outrageous they act, the better for the producers.
They broadcast these programmes and give the impression that all young people act like this abroad or they tar an entire resort with this sort of behaviour.
I can remember the Benidorm programme, the producers focused on a very small area called 'the square'.
Benidorm is massive and the 'square' is the equivalent of sticking a postage stamp on an A4 piece of paper.
Whether Benidorm is your cup of tea or not: Millions of people of all age groups go to Benidorm and never venture anywhere near the area, but the 'damage' is done to the whole resort, the younger generation and the British tourists.
What Dragonfly TV should have said is…..
If you’re prepared to act like a complete

If you're a sensible young person who goes on holiday and likes to have a little harmless fun and you cause no harm to anyone or spoil another person’s holiday, then don’t bother to apply, because you can guarantee that you will not make it on the TV.
only the sensible ones who agree. Might make for boring tv for the makers though.
Totally agree. Any one with any sense will give the programme a wide berth.Or perhaps it should be Cr@p TV and we should not be encouraging it !!!!!!!!!
Don't join in it and don't encourage it by watching it then hopefully they wont make any more of this garbage.
All it does is give the millions of decent kids there are around a bad name.
I would be 'disgusted of Tunbridge Wells' if I could afford to live there.

I would be 'disgusted of Tunbridge Wells' if I could afford to live there.
Nothing stopping you signing yourself that - I am sure that any estate agent worth his salt would be willing to describe your house as being in a suburb of TW!
The question in my mind is why should HT sink so low as to allow itself to be used as a recruiting ground for such a program? We used to claim we were THE quality site for help and advice. To me it is akin to The Times changing from being a quality paper to a tabloid.
fwh wrote:
The question in my mind is why should HT sink so low as to allow itself to be used as a recruiting ground for such a program? We used to claim we were THE quality site for help and advice. To me it is akin to The Times changing from being a quality paper to a tabloid.
Someone may have been interested - just giving the option.
Sorry, just wanted to make myself clear, I don't have a problem with the post being put up in the first place, so long as we can all have a rant about how we feel about this kind of programme. Freedom of speech and all that.
Maybe they want to make a programme about how lovely everyones holiday has been, how they enjoyed the place and how the TO's looked after them so well
Young people eh tsk

The whole idea of these programmes is to be controversial and cause outrage perhaps that's why people act in a certain way to get "disgusted of Tunbridge Wells " a bit het up , John Lydon of the sex pistols outraged people 35 years ago now he's flogging posh butter ( irony) I just cant see the point of getting too upset about what rubbish is put on TV , although I have to say I did watch and liked Ibiza uncovered all those years ago and Ibiza and the music industry has done very nicely on the back of it.
madsue wrote:Maybe they want to make a programme about how lovely everyones holiday has been, how they enjoyed the place and how the TO's looked after them so well![]()
Athey used to do that thirty years ago they were called things like 'Holiday' with Cliff Mitchlemore And Wish you were here with Judith Chalmers.
I liked them.

My wife likes watching the holiday sitcom Duty Free , she has the DVD box set and watches them while doing the ironing , Judith Chalmers even turned up in one episode ! Didn't the format of wish you were here change and ended up being just celebs getting a free holiday to post a 5 min report ? If they were to bring it back imagine what celebs they would use now !!!

You may be right about wish you were here. I didn't watch either of them in the last couple of years. Probably the cult of celebrity had started to take over by then, hence the change in format. Wonder why they thought we would want to watch celebs get a freebie, almost as bad (but not quite) as watching a load of teens get peed up and incapable .
I am sure they must pay the later group to act even worse than they might ordinarily do so, if adults of 40 who should know better, pay far endless fishbowls and club entry's for a bunch of 18 year olds it's naive to think there willbe anything other than one outcome. I sincerely hope they don't encourage it for 17 or 16 years olds as they are underage and IMHO that borders on child abuse.
The reason why we decided to put this up in the blog, and also to back up Glynis, is people deserve to have the choice to appear on these things. And if a few kids decide to make their holiday essentially pay for itself by taking part, well fair play to them.
As for objecting to the programmes themselves, everyone has an opinion and fortunately at Holiday Truths we're more than happy for you guys to share it. It's pretty simple though, if you don't like the programme vote with your feet. The television world is hugely governed by audience numbers and if not enough people like a programme it won't be commissioned again. The fact that another of these programmes is being made would suggest there is a market for it but it probably won't be screened until well after most people's bedtimes when the youth demographic its aimed at starts getting back from the pub.
it probably won't be screened until well after most people's bedtimes when the youth demographic its aimed at starts getting back from the pub

Those who thought it was a good idea, do you still think it was a good idea?
Sanji x
The question in my mind is why should HT sink so low as to allow itself to be used as a recruiting ground for such a program? We used to claim we were THE quality site for help and advice.
I got shot down at the time for saying that.
Sorry HT Mods but I think you have shot yourself in the foot with this one.
The drunken teenager thing has been done to death so for all we know this could turn out to be a good show.

Like the comment that 'the morals of the television industry have become a cess pit' so very very true when it comes to this type of low life reporting.
The trouble with live and let live is it brings everybody down

Wonder whatever happened to Ed not visited since that post.?
doe wrote:
Wonder whatever happened to Ed not visited since that post.?
Like everything else on this site -starting off in a blaze of glory and fizzling out.
'Live and let live' and knowing where the 'off button' is, is completely missing the point.

Sanji x
This is Ed - he was the guy who started up all the Blog stuff for HolidayTruths