fwh wrote:No matter the legality of the "fine" which is a misuse of the word what do the signs say? If they state 2 hours parking and you stayed 6 - no matter how much you spent then you are in the wrong. Private car parks cannot issue fines but they can quite legally charge you for overstaying the time allowed. If they had a clamping policy then providing they operated it in accordance with the regulations you would be trying to get the charges refunded.
I think you will find you talking utter twoddle here about clamping...that particular practice was banned in 2012 on private land, which in this case is as it is a private carpark

These Parking tickets are not legally binding and they can't send the Bailiffs round as only a court can send in the bailiffs for non payment of 'FINES'...this is not a fine it is an 'invitation to pay' and they play on the fact that you entered into a contract when you entered the Car park...in this case they seemed to think that the person entered into a contract to park for 6 hours free...so its a free car park and it was entered into a contract to park for free...so they go over the 6 allotted hours and they will charge £95!!!
The first port of call should be to ask for a breakdown of the Parking Charges and proof that by parking in there 'Free' Car park for a hour more than they allow it cost them £95...as they can only persue through the courts any loos they made by you parking there...ie if they charged £1 an hour then they could persue you for the £1 they lost for your car being in that space as they could argue that another car could have parked there and they would have made an extra £1 revenue!!!
Secondly they can't hold responsible the registered keeper of the car as they have no proof that, that person was actually driving and parked in there car park...they can only pursue the driver of the vehicle as that will be who made the 'Contract' by parking there...
Thirdly you could log a complaint to the DVLA for releasing details if it is not made clear in the letter you receive that they request you to give them the driver details of the car that particular day (like they do in a lawful speeding camera enforcement) it is my understanding that The DVLA release the data on the strict understanding that the Private Parking Company will request the driver's details from the registered Keeper. If they fail to do so and simply target the Registered Keeper with threats etc then the Registered Keeper data has been unlawfully used...
G24 are renowned for there Bully Boy tactics and TBH they should be ignored, letters binned and given no more thought as they are just lowlife...