First up is one of Fethiye's most common sights on the road - passing through a red light. This attracts a fine of 108 YTL.
Driving without a licence or valid licence incurs a fine of 222 YTL.
Drivers who are unable to produce their licence to the Police on the spot incur a fine of 108 YTL.
If caught speeding a fine of 108 YTL applies.
If you park in a disabled parking space without the required permit you will be fined 105 YTL
Failing to complete the vehicle testing procedures for your vehicle attracts a fine of 52 YTL
Drink driving claims many lives in Turkey each year and unfortunately the attitude to this law in only changing slowly. The maximum alcohol blood level is 0.5mg in Turkey and is lower than the UK. If you are caught drink driving the fines are as follows:
1st offence 448 YTL + suspension of licence
2nd and third offence 561 YTL + suspension of licence
If you are required to pay a fine don't be afraid to ask for a discount for cash - after all this is Turkey - as any fines paid in cash attract a 25% discount.
And finally, the Police don't even need to stop you to administer the fine but can record your registration number and place the fine on your vehicle tax record. The first you will know of the fine will be when you go to make your 6 monthly tax payment. So, watch out if you're regular traffic offender you could have a sizable sum to pay next time you pay your tax.