Hi everyone,
I've posted something simular to this in another posting i made, but wondering if anyone had any advice, me and OH went to fuertuventura (sp?) on 10th april this yr for a week, weather was lovely 6/7 days!

Cut to the story, one of his relatives lives over there, she moved from England, lucky thing,

and has a bar over there she owns, and shes offered us both jobs there & we have found a cheap villa, we both lost our jobs before we went out there so we had a bit of money saved up, however, LOL, after sitting in a cold beer garden once we got back, we decided we should live out there, for a month,6 months? See how it goes, the only thing I am concerned about though is and i dont know if this is the right place or off topic, but fuertuventura isnt in the EU is it? So i wouldnt need a visa etc?

Can anyone shed any light on if they have moved abroad etc? Do I need jabs? We are looking to go at the end of May, one way ticket, EEEKKK!!

But in the meantime i am getting temp work so anything does go wrong we've both got enough money behind us! Any advice please? I am 22 and he is 26.
EDIT just thought id add, i have a nationwide flex account and i couldnt use my card abroad for ATMS just to pay by card, went into nationwide when i got back to upgrade and they said they cant because of my credit rating (uni, lived alone, 18years old, ill say no more!!) so she recommended a post office account where i can transfer from my uk bank to a post office card, has anyone had one? thanks again
Thanks in advance:D
H x