I agree with Fiona's quote , you can pay a lot for DIY too , and just by paying a lot it doesn't necessarily mean you will get good service , and I agree with your point about the holidays you book to Cuba , it's a specialist supplier that you use and your willing to pay a bit more because you get a great service that you're happy with .
SMa wrote:
But the big flaw in your reasoning is that the majority of posters who replied to your query would appear from their posts elsewhere on HT to be booking for and to go on holiday as part of a mixed sex couple. So as far as I can tell, with the exception of Miss Pink and I, for everyone of the posters there is a partner of the opposite sex who presumably thinks the same as them? Or at least doesn't feel strongly enough about it to say 'You are not booking that because....'
Believe me my missus doesn't think the same as me

So perhaps shrimper and madasharley might be on the same wavelength like me ??
I think the divide is really more whether you are motivated by price and book with suppliers ( DIY or package ) who might have mixed reviews / reputations with customer service and you take a chance or you will probably pay more and go with a supplier who has a better/ good or excellent reputation for customer service because you want a bit more peace of mind or don't want to be potentially dealing with problems or the unknown .
We all have our own reasons for why we choose what suits us personally , it's interesting to hear people's thoughts and reasons , there's no right or wrong answer !