hi I wondering if you can help me , we recently had a holiday in salou and whilst on Capallans beach we had all our valuables stolen.The police took a statement but the statement is wrongly worded saying that we were all in sea but infact I was not in the sea and the bag was next to me on the sand. The police asked my husband because it was his wallet that had been stolen but did not ask any details . we were then sent to the police station near port aventura and filled in a D04 form , no one took a statement from us whilst at the police station , I presume they got the information off the police officer that turned up at the beach 30 minutes after the incident. the statement we signed was all in catalonian and does not mention the fact that i was with the bag when the items were stolen. I asked the interpreter to read the statement back to us but she just shrugged and said yes yes everything is fine we have listed the things that you lost. it wasnt until we returned to England and was able to translate the statement that we become aware that the wording is wrong and this will effect our claim for insurance ( as it says we left the bag unattended ) I have tried to find the number of the police dept that dealt with us but I'm unsure if its the correct one. the police station was the one past the hotel paso on carrer salvador espriu. I need to contact them and see if they will correct the statement. I have spent an entire day phoning several different number and trying to speak to a person who understands english , including the british consult and the bareclona police non of whom could help me. Any help would be greatfully appreciated kind regards Babz