To Chilly and all the other stalwarts who made sure there was always someone else to greet HT members- thank you so much. I know there have been many friendships formed due to them. If only I had been able to holiday in Goa when they were running.
Facebook has been the death of here I think. It's a huge shame but obviously it provides something that a forum can't, or hasn't up till now. I haven't been on here for weeks( no-0ne would have been able to understand any of my posts if I had come on
) But it is a bit of a shock to see so few new threads here and also
no new hotel reviews. A few years back you needed someone on reviews for hours every day. Very sad.
Not sure if I will be coming to Goa in April now( but getting a bit more hopeful!) but I will be at Bending Bamboo if we make it.. We went there almost every night at some point anyway!