Some may or may not apply to your resort and the object of this post is not to scare you to death and deter you from visiting, but merely as a general guide to make you aware that these things DO & CAN happen and that you need to be vigilant at all times.
Whilst most crimes take place in the resort, you should be aware that the airport is also a haven for opportunist thieves who see tired, stressed out, over loaded tourists with cases, prams and kiddies in tow, and the irritable hubby.

1. Pick pocketing is rife and care must be taken when waiting by the carousel for your luggage, try and get organised to keep an eye on the kids and flight bags, as well as fighting for the cases. Keep all your money safe either in a bag held close to you at all times or in your front pocket and the best pocket to keep your wallet in, is the tightest, be aware of anyone brushing up against you or trying to distract your attention and avoid these backpack type of bags, they might leave you with 2 hands spare, but they allow light fingered people to use their hands in them.
2. There usually is a list of the taxi tariffs in all airports, check this out before you leave and ALWAYS ask the price BEFORE you get in one.
3. Once at the hotel, hire a safe, it costs approx £1.50 a day and keep all your valuables inside, the hotels try and take all measures to vet their employees but, sadly some slip through the net & remember out of sight, out of temptation is the golden rule.!
4. The pea/potato men (timo de los trileros) this is the oldest trick in the book and dates back years when some cultures only had shells and pebbles to entertain themselves.
It consists of a makeshift table with either 3 potatoes/shells/tins and a pea underneath, the object is to guess where the pea is when they have been whizzed around the table and of course you place monetary bets down.
You will NOT win, it's a set up with a lucky 'tourist' winning (who is actually part of the racket) and if you stand and watch them, then you stand a good chance of having your wallet/purse lifted, the best advice is to avoid them unless you like throwing money away.
5. The gypsy flower women, these approach you offering a flower/ sprig of rosemary or may try to pin a flower on you, they may approach you with what looks like a rolled up newspaper and will then produce a flower which they may try to drop into your open shopping bag or just place on you.
DON`T take it, don't STOP, shout at them to 'get away' & throw the flower on the floor and brush them aside if you have too, be extra careful if they have a couple of kiddies in tow, because if you stop, whilst you are politely saying no thank you and focussing your attention on the adult, then the kids will pickpocket you, or it may be a young woman with a baby slung around her :a note here: young gypsies are immune from prosecution in Spain and Italy.
Don't be deluded by thinking gypsies are always female, I have witnessed gypsies posing as the young loving couple they were in fact from Eastern Europe.
6. If you are going to put your bag on the floor in cafes bars etc, always put your foot through the strap or a chair leg and don't hang it on the back of the chair out of sight, the safest place is on your lap with your hand on it and never leave it unattended If the bag has a flap, then wear with the flap facing your body.
7. Don`t walk in dimly lit areas especially in the early hours, plan a different route and don't be tempted to take the short-cut.
8. Pre-plan to have some change or small notes ready for the taxi fares within the resort, you may get short changed at the end of the night when you are not fully alert.
9. When using ATM machines, always try and use one that is situated either inside a bank or a hotel, usually you have to push a button on the door to get into the bank foyer. Care should be taken if anyone offers to help you and the various s c a ms have been reported in the British press, look around at who is looking/watching YOU.
10. Watch out for these money exchange places that offer 'no commission' with a fantastic rate, the small print that is hidden or impossible to read states that you have to exchange millions to be able to receive the said fantastic rate, ask fellow tourists in your hotel where is the best place.
11. A ploy is a young woman struggling with kids/ bags etc and she will ask you to hold the child for a few minutes, then 2/3 men will appear and accuse you of trying to kidnap the baby, this can get violent and they will demand money from you.
12. Another one is the Spanish bird poo that you will suddenly find on you, then conveniently a man/woman appears who just happens to have a tissue and a bottle of water in their hands and will offer to wipe it off, it is in fact a chocolate mix, but you will lose your wallet in the friendly act.
13. If hiring a car, keep all valuables locked in the boot, keep the doors locked at all times even when driving in the daytime, thieves have been known to rob cars waiting at traffic lights and don't let anyone flash you to stop, pretending something is wrong with the back tyre or some other fable, they will rob you.!. continue driving until you can pull up somewhere safe to check yourself and again lock the doors whilst you are checking.
14. Muggings - these are where the thief is prepared to inflict physical harm, and will rip the bag/camera/camcorder/wallet off your body.
People with handbags should always walk on the footpath away from the kerb/roadside,if possible put your bag strap across your body and then put your coat/cardigan over the top, this prevents the strap being slashed by a knife from behind.
You could also carry an extra wallet/purse with a small amount of cash inside and give this to the mugger, it's just another option, but above all, don't put your life in danger for the sake of material objects that can be replaced at the end of the day.
15.The bump trick, in crowds or coming down stairs someone will pretend to drop something or fasten their shoelaces, this results in everyone bumping into each other from behind, a classic scenario for the thief.
16. The loo roll, this is where ladies place their bags on the floors when using toilets, (the cubicle type) and a hand comes underneath the gap and snatches the bag.. You're not going to be able to give chase with your pants around your ankles, so always hang the bag on the door handle or place on the cistern behind you.
17. Scratch cards of any description are a ploy to get your attention with the hope of selling you a time-share, they may offer you a prize and various other goodies. when you scratch the card you will always win a prize but then will have to go somewhere to collect it.
If you don't want a time-share then don't take the scratch-card.
18. Finally don't leave your bags unattended on the beach, think about how much you really need to take there, and if you are likely to fall asleep then make sure your wallet and anything else that you value, are placed where they cannot be whipped away whilst you are in slumberland.
Before you go on holiday, make photocopies of your documents especially passports, flight tickets and driving licence because it is easier to replace them if you can prove you had them in the first place, the majority of people cannot remember the number of their passport, which is one of the most important documents that you will ever own and very valuable (with a little alteration) to the thief.
Another way is to scan your documents and hotmail them back as an attachment to yourself, and then you can go into any cyber cafe and bring up the details.
I think I had better wind this up by saying that each day a new trick is invented and this list is far from complete, but for your part you need to be thinking one step ahead of them all the time. The best advice I can give is....
Don't let anyone get in your personal space, try and give a few seconds thought about what you are going to do, before you actually do it.
Try and be aware of your surroundings, protect your valuables, but above all enjoy your holiday.
Details of a wallet/purse deterrent to follow..
Besos xxx